Headless Body in Topless Bar

American Horror Story: kinja

Really? I actually thought Roanoke was the best season they’ve done since Asylum. They actually stuck to some rules and plot and in parts, was somewhat scary.

As a black woman, I don’t think Daniel was actually keeping score. I think he misread the dynamic of their conversation and wanted to level with her as in a joking “haha we’re both eff ups” manner. Not in a deeply secretive vindictive manner. I would also say that I think Daniel got a lot of crap for giving her a

Why is there:

If he thought she was “down for whatever” and she didn’t move out of the way when he warned her he was about to shoot, then it would have been a lie to say it was an accident. Clearly, he thought she wanted it. To lie about it would have been much worse, in my opinion.

Apparently, according to this show, most black women are not down for giving a blowjob, either. But Issa gave the impression that she was way into it by taking charge of the situation and just going for it (without prior verbal consent from Daniel, I might add--although he obviously was “down for whatever”).

I did rewatch the scene. Daniel was holding his hand over the back of her head—he wasn’t touching her head or holding her head down. Admittedly, I don’t know much about women, but even I know that you don’t mess with a woman’s hair unless you want to pull back a bloody stump.

“If anything it was a complement to her skills.”

I agree you NEVER shoot on someone’s face unless the okay is given, BUT, in my experience during a blow jobs the penis is inserted in the mouth that’s where the cum is going. So did she pull it out of her mouth, if so where was it supposed to go. I’m just confused because normally I’m told don’t cum in my mouth or

I thought he was expecting her to swallow, and when she moved her head it was too late to stop. She told Molly that she usually spit, but she didn’t tell Daniel much at all. I guess I had gay guy reaction, too. We don’t mind (though getting hit in the eye hurts anyone).

I keep re-watching, and I am not seeing what you’re seeing.

As a Black woman, I feel compelled to comment on the scene with Daniel. First, I’ve had many of the same conversations with my friends, that Issa and her girlfriends had about giving head, and I can relate. I can relate to women who have the stigma of being viewed as forever-a-hoe if they give head, and some women who

This whole Issa Daniel oral sex thing is a borderline ridiculous storyline in 2017. If anything her being miffed at most would be more realistic.

I think that a lot of people have come to have a favorable opinion of Daniel for a couple of reasons; 1.) for most of season 1 he was a much more active and assertive presence than Lawrence; 2.) by the end he had clearly developed real feelings for Issa, and 3.) his exit in the season 1 finale was pretty cruel and

I am in the same demographic as you, and I agree with pretty much *everything* that you’ve written. It really did seem like an accident. Maybe the show will explore their mutual viewpoints in future episodes. I’m not sure that most 20-somethings understand the importance of communication after misunderstandings like

Agreed. I think a lot of folks forget that in the first episode of Season 1, Daniel told Issa he wasn’t looking for a relationship, just a hookup. That’s why she went back to Molly’s. I’m not sure when Daniel transformed to this “cute, puppy-dog” type of guy. This season, he sees more in Issa, but that wasn’t always

First of all I LOVE this show AND your recap of it. My question is being a male I want to know why Issa flipped out like she did. Now I am a African American in my late 40s and I do know there is a White Woman/Black Woman difference when it comes to BJs. When I was in High School( a predominately White HS in TEXAS)

I must need to rewatch the scene, because I thought he was just caught up in the pleasure. I didn’t see the holding her down, especially since the money shot was when she was raised up...and after his pre-warning.

Saying Daniel abused Issa’s trust is a reach. He was about to cum, got caught up in the moment and let off a stray shot - it happens. It’d be one thing if he didn’t give any forewarning at all and just did a pre-meditated nut in Issa’s face, but that wasn’t what happened.

THANK YOU!! I thought it was just me too that didn’t understand why Issa was mad or why Daniel was made out to be the villan in this article😒