Headless Body in Topless Bar

Harriet Sansom Harris is an actress so perfectly right for this show that it’s surprising she hasn’t been on before (come to think of it, a lot of the Desperate Housewives folks seem perfect for this show)...”

Did the photograph of the two Pearson boys (Jack and Nick) seen on a nightstand show a young Justin Hartley?

And the birthdate is exactly 70 years ago today.

And some of the movie theaters, too. By the time I moved away from NYC in ‘98, it was Disneyfied, but not as completely as it later became.

Wasn’t Kate applying to Berklee (School of Music) not (UC) Berkeley?

“... (The O.C.’s Chris Carmack)...”

They were in Helen for Fastnacht (November 11th).

“She took advantage of him.” Clearly you did not watch the scene. Or just have an agenda.

If you think smug, self-righteous, whiny, bitchy Jay was”the true moral backbone of the series,” you did not get the show at all.

I gotta assume the script meant “Donny Hathaway’s cover of ‘For All We Know’” because Billy Porter (and Pray Tell too, most likely) would be aware that this “For All We Know” (there’s also a Carpenters song with the same title) has been around since the 1930s. Hathaway’s version is less well known (but no less potent)

Jose Gutierez Xtravaganza (the former Madonna dancer) has been seen on the show from the beginning.

I’m hoping that Swain is really good at dancing like an amateur and that his character will develop technique and start dancing like a pro after he has some months of training. In that sequence his whole carriage (shoulders and hips especially) was really unimpressive.

Parnell’s terrible German accent and even worse pronunciation of German dialogue is ruining every scene he’s in. It’s bad enough on its own, but it’s especially horrendous (like in last week’s episode) when there were actual native German speakers in scenes to compare him to.

“’Umwelt’ is the name given to the fourth chapter of Jon Hamm’s interstitial stories, and it’s a fitting one, a German word meaning the world as it’s experienced by one particular being.”

A week from when he let Farouk (Oliver/Lenny) in and people got killed, I’d say.


If she hated Ellis (probably for stealing an idea), she’s going to steal Meredith’s idea.

You don’t mention Cyrus. Hmm.

“Denver’s working with Jorge in a very unsurprising twist”

Nitpicking: having recently had my whole house remodeled, I’ll just say you don’t knock out a wall like Kevin did without covering everything else in plastic. The dust, the dust...