Headless Body in Topless Bar


The best Christmas present! Thank you, Will Harris!

Cambodian? I read somewhere that it was Mandarin. But since I don’t speak either language, I’ll take your word for it.

Wasn’t Santiago’s coercion already revealed a few episodes ago?

Mr. Robot noteworthy music cue of the week: the Chinese version of (Sonny &) Cher’s “Bang Bang.”

I’m convinced Darlene is playing them and that she intended for Dom to catch her breaking into the safe. I don’t think she’s undermining Elliott at all.

This should be fun.


I also don’t quite get the scene between Meadow and Dr. Vincent. Why did she (when they were alone in his office) hide the phone signal from Kai, if he’s also part of his brother’s cult? Or is there yet another layer to this?




How can you not mention Jimmy Smits joining the cast? He’s a big reason I was looking forward to this season, and that one scene with Davis did not disappoint.

Let’s for a moment assume the reporter didn’t write her own copy.
