Archie Bunker

Well, you’re right about that. I don’t disagree at all.

Monica is clearly moved when Jimmy mentions Captain Marvel.

You seen his actual standup?

Morning-after pills are a form of birth control and would be the only medication that would help June immediately, given the circumstances. Joseph and June would know that. Can I say for sure that they were morning-after pills? No. But I think that both Joseph and June would know that one month of preventive birth

I think they would have required a turkey baster which they probably didn’t have in their bedroom...

A self-proclaimed sovereign state can do whatever it wants, but if nobody else recognizes it, at the very least it’ll remain in perpetual isolation. According to international diplomatic laws, it’ll exist de facto, but not de jure.

Once Gilead is finally recognized as a sovereign state...

We are just in the homes of high ranking Gilead officials in Boston and this is their style. 


Yeah, that Magical Native stuff was not cool.

I think it was a nearly perfect book and I thought the show was very good when adapting the source material. The more they flesh out both the story and the world the less it holds up, though, as Atwood knew to make it intentionally vague and surreal.

I think that the society in Handmaid’s wears tinfoil hats, and used to get a lot of health advice from pseudoscientific websites. I think they think that cell phones cause cancer, wifi hurts babies, and unproven stuff like that. Their food is all grown organically, they don’t have access to the commerce and things we

Because that is what man has done to their slaves for hundreds and thousands of years - renamed them. As Atwood herself said, every atrocity in the book wasn’t her own idea per se, it was based upon crimes against mankind that have already occurred throughout history. The “ofs” May sound stupid, but that is where

Right, and now it’s widespread and people believe it and try it. Kind of like how religions happen. Again, I never suggested it works. I just suggested it’s a well-known theory, so it’s not the case that the writers invented it out of whole cloth or that the characters couldn’t have heard about it plenty of times. The

I highly doubt it works myself, but a quick google will show you crap-tons of mainstream support for this. These writers didn’t make it up and didn’t hear it from some lone crazy.

Or, you could look at it like he as no relationship with her at all. She’s a total stranger. He didn’t ask for a wife, didn’t want a wife, and has no need for a wife. She’s an unwanted intruder in his life.

10 seasons is insane considering the source material ended perfectly and we’re already well past that. I don’t need to see Gilead fall and I definitely don’t need a happy-ish ending.

I’m surprised the scene with Eden and the soldier wasn’t talked about. When I saw it, it felt like such a moment calling for parenting from Nick, who technically is about to become a father, to Eden, who is really a child — particularly in contrast to the parenting June is about to do with Hannah, quickly, with

Tannis Root?

Including health insurance and prescription coverage in the refugee package was on the nose but a necessary dig.