The way the ump lost his cool suggests he may be carrying some serious baggage.
The way the ump lost his cool suggests he may be carrying some serious baggage.
Is he wrong? Why so circumspect?
It’s tough to get anyone in Washington to admit to obstruction these days.
“Could you just scooch over a little bit”
Thank you. I was reading this person’s posts and thinking, where’s Judas???? And someone else jumps in with “I knew about her before and I like her but other people just now are hearing about her...” Who TF cares? Are we not allowed to like her? Is it not cool to like her now? Can we not do our own research and decide…
Not arguing but with her getting a seat on this committee as a junior Senator is no small thing. I also like that Elizabeth Warren ignored the listen/learn and decided to forge ahead on her own path. 2020 is a long way ahead...we have time.
What was Obama’s agenda in his 2004 campaign for the U.S. Senate? Perhaps his best-known public statement was his speech at the DNC convention, but that was about the furthest thing from a list of specifics.
She was the attorney general of the state of fucking California, which has a population of about 40 million people, then became a member of the US Senate. I’m sure your skepticism of her qualifications impresses your cubicle mates there at the insurance company. So, good job. Keep up the good work.
This commenter says she has soft stances but won’t name them. She just seems to be mad her girl Loretta lost
What soft stances name them off
You do realize that the resume you’re complaining about is exactly what Barack Obama had, right?
People were talking about Barack Obama as the next president literally even before he won his Senate seat. She has years to grow at this point, and she isn’t anywhere near as new to politics as Obama was then. And though I’m not waving a Harris 2020 sign yet, I’m definitely keeping my eye on her as someone who has the…
Perchance VoltaireGatesy? Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien?
Yeah just because u don’t like her doesn’t mean others aren’t allowed to
Just as a DA in San Francisco, she enacted policies to help actually lower crime rates and help people, instead of just racking up her conviction record.
She took a strong pro-choice stand as California’s attorney general.
Kamala did not come out of nowhere. She was District Attorney of San Francisco for 7 years. Then she was Attorney General of California for the next 6 until she moved to the US Senate this year. She is one of two Senators from the largest State in the country. She does have strong positions on a variety of…
Some of us are from California and beyond familiar with Kamala Harris. She’s an OG around these parts, especially for people from the Bay. I’m from the Central Valley and I first took notice of her with Prop 8 when she refused to defend it. She’s a bad ass and always has been.