Archie Bunker

That and ‘25 or 6 to 4' (which is great). Odd how different they sounded after Terry Kath died.

Ian Anderson.

“To the pain!”

This place is worth whatever contortions they want you to go through.

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I’m right there with you. Saturday from 11a-2p was absolutely soul sucking. Cats ‘02.


They’re both Italian, so you can bet your ass they’re socially regressive.

Pro tip: you can identify them easily because they’re adults wearing jerseys.

I remember this. It became a mantra for my grandmother. I can’t remember the last time I purchased white eggs.

This is phenomenal.

So much this.

Also, brilliant username.

Should, but won’t, because willfully ignorant.

False equivalency. Fetuses are not children.

Edelman played 13 games at CB during the 2011 season.

Neither Gerry nor Kirk are anything approaching “tough”. They’re both the radio booth equivalent of the Internet Tough Guy.

Market Basket often carries it. SoJers college roommates turned me on to the glorious meat eons ago.

Hell, the Kennedy name doesn’t even play that well in New England these days.

Major drag. He’s a true legend. Three cheers.