Sergeant Brimsby

He’s at least three, probably four children.

Future Ruins might be Swervedriver’s most mid-tempo album to date, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I think it’s also the band’s most melodic, by far. I liked the thunderous guitars of their earlier, ‘90s releases, but I often found myself bypassing sections of the album to zero in on the melody. Future Ruins st

“Hail to the Redskins/Hail victory/Braves on the warpath/Fight for old Dixie!”

Moderately surprised he didn’t trot out some holocaust survivors to say they were fine with the slogan.

Candle Cove had such a singular hallucinatory atmosphere I really liked it, even if it sometimes felt like it was drowning in molasses. No End House was utterly brilliant, though. I don’t get the love Butcher’s Block - it felt like it was being weird for the sake of it, and had too many instances of characters acting

“Meanwhile, The Daily Star’s story continues to be up on the paper’s site; the organization has been sued for (and settled over) libel charges a number of times over the years, but it’s still baffling that they thought they could get away with allegedly straight-up inventing an interview with one of Earth’s most

The House isn’t going to impeach Trump because, despite all her faults, Pelosi is too canny for that.

Further, “fuck” is every third word out of Joe Biden’s mouth, and every other out of Dick Cheney’s. Tone policing for women only isn’t cute. 

Does that mean he gets to wear the turnover chain?

Do they have to give the money back?

Fuck that noise

Insanely Hot take: Go to the game tape.

Trump is the embodiment of the American Dream for a depressing number of people in this country. It’s not so much the money or power, but having enough of it that it can allow you to say an infinite number of stupid things without threat to your status or livelihood.

Perhaps he was only standing because it was too uncomfortable to sit.

Virginia should be forced to hang this banner. 

He also has a really hot Canadian girlfriend. But you can’t see her picture, because they don’t have cameras in Toronto.

I’m not so sure that’s the case with a). One way to do that would be to have an episode where it turns out Apu has been “exaggerating” his voice for years, because he came to Springfield in a more racist time and wanted to seem less threatening. Then have it switch over to the Indian voice actor voice, and go from

I love the Coens, really I do, but man their worldview is exhausting. A Serious Man is basically their thesis... nothing really matters, the world is harsh and capricious, and while there may be a God or Plan it is just using us as pawns and laughing as we flail. Even their comedies are “nothing matters, so have a

“Some blue haired college kid called me racist online so I voted for a fascist.”

But not really because Stephen Colbert (in this scenario) was already a household name making really good money and decided to go to Fox News. PFT was looking for a decent paying job and Barstool was the place that offered him one. Let’s not act like he had multiple suitors and he thought that Barstool was the one

As we have discussed elsewhere, there are EIGHT seasons, not four. Fall contains the best season and the worst season. The correct and accurate rankings: