Every year for the past 40 or so?
What about sunglasses?
Speaking as a guy in Houston who lost two cars in the Tax Day floods, I’m OK with this. I’m not OK with price gouging, but charging a fair price is, well, fair. A large portion of people will be walking in with an insurance check in their pockets, and if they aren’t idiots, they will end up either where they were…
If you’re in Scottsdale, buy a Ferrari. If you’re anywhere else, buy an El Camino.
That’s awesome.
Were in infirm looting?
Sounds like concession to me.
And what’s with the “you guys”? Stereotype much? What’s with the ignorant assumptions?
Baseless positions often revert to ad hominem attacks.
That being said, I live in Houston. Google Basic info from my profile and Houston, and you can find my name, which can get you to Facebook, which can get you to pictures.
Not particularly. I don’t really trust the internet....
Yes, yes she is.
Sure I do. Empathy has nothing to do with looting turning a blind eye to thuggery.
They’re talking about buying out a lot of the houses in the flooding areas to build retention lakes, which would actually make a lot of sense.
No, I haven’t. Your closed minded bigotry is showing.