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    “That guy has something I don’t understand, so I think I’ll talk about his penis. Like a cave man, I am scared of things I don’t understand, and the only defense I can think up is to accuse others of charges that they can not confirm nor deny.”

    Society didn’t make me poor, and it didn’t make me successful.

    The fact that you see this as doubtful says a lot about the way you view the world. It sounds like you’ve given up hope. I’m so sorry that you’ve been pushed down, but you can get back up. You write well, which means that your mind works well. Don’t let the bastards get you. Don’t let the weak minded people convince

    I was in the red. I was 21, my wife was 20, and we had a baby. She waited tables, I got a second job. We started to break even. Our household income was $12k for 1998. We kept working hard. I took out a loan, and went to trade school. I slept 6 hours a night, and we ate pizza I got for free 6 nights a week. I drove a

    I think people should be paid what they earn. Nothing more, nothing less. They earn the amount that someone is willing to pay them. Speaking as the child of a homeless addict and a secretary, who started adulthood as a pizza delivery guy, your silver spoon assumption is hilarious. Sheltered? Hardly. Privileged? Not

    Supply and demand.  More people are willing to be paramedics.

    This is exceptionally ignorant of both economics and history.

    Now you’re talking about supply and demand. Anyone can shovel, so the supply of workers is near infinite. Very few people can perform thoracic surgery, so they pay is exponentially greater.

    Just because you spent 40 hours of your time doesn’t mean that you created any value.  Why should I give you money for nothing?  If you deserve my money for nothing, then I deserve your money for nothing.

    Maybe you should develop valuable skills.


    Things of value receive value. 

    Welcome to supply and demand.  Lyft driving requires no special skills, so it doesn’t pay well. 

    I’ll take one.  Go sit in a 5 year old Kia or Hyundai, and a 5 year old VW.  You will buy a new VW immediately.  Kia and Hyundai don’t age well, at all.

    Because if you have the money to buy this, you have the money to slap a license plate on it and pay the fine if you get caught.

    That’s just frickin’ amazing.

    Really, I think you’re all looking at this wrong. Is this an awesome $10k collector car?  Maybe not.  But $10k for a 50k mile daily driver with years of use left, that’s a little bit interesting to boot?  Smoking deal.

    It would make the car unbearably hot.

    Count the conservative stars...

    I’m guessing it’s to stay within cheaper tire ratings.