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    I was kidnapped an held hostage about 12 years ago. Does that count? I lost my house in Hurricane Ike, how about that? Powerless is not characterless.

    The proof is called “common sense”. If you can leave your house to steal food, then you can leave your house to get to a shelter. I lost my house in Ike, and I lost two cars during the Tax Day flood. Not once did I break in to a liquor store. Find me any proof that people are breaking in to HEB because they are

    My Escort GT (1.8L 16 valve) made 127.

    The desperate and hungry is the exceptionally small group. The looters are the majority.

    I want to see looters in handcuffs. Looting is profiteering just as much as raising prices.

    Never mind that you can’t eat a flat screen....

    I live here too, and none of these looters are looting out of hunger. If you can get out to loot, you can get to a shelter. There are hundreds of shelters, and they are all turning away donations due to lack of space to store any more food.

    Yes. The shelters are turning away donations because they can’t store any more. There is free food everywhere. The looters aren’t hungry, they’re criminals.

    If the improve the bayous (translation, dig them 5-10 feet deeper), a lot of this would go away. I live off White Oak Bayou. They improved my area a few years ago. We got close to flooding, but it never went over.

    Stores and restaurants are open all over town, and they have been. Looters need to go to jail.

    My fave...

    Huh. So much for the positive economy of the area.

    Seriously, this should have been COTD.

    They’re in Tomball, which is under water.

    Houston is blue, Harris county is red.

    So, I lost two cars in Houston last year in the Tax Day Flood. Two things to note: First, you won’t get a rental car because there are none. Take a cheap Southwest flight to Austin or Dallas and get one there, you can probably get your insurance company to reimburse for the flight. If yours won’t reimburse, go get a

    No, no it didn’t.

    Time to shop for a track car!

    Frickin Kinja...