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    It’s a driver car at a driver price. For $50k, there are better collector cars, but at this price, it’s sunny day fun.

    Star for Pepperidge Farm....

    Time for a Jalop crowd sourced restoration.

    These cars are cool, but they’re just not “collector cool”, even with no miles. I see too many driving around town with 30mm wheel spacers on Autozone wheels with the “Marauder” inset on the rear bumper hand painted (poorly) in red.

    99.9% of the people who are on this site, myself included, are not shopping for “special” cars - we’re shopping for cars that are mass produced commodities. “I daily a one of one Lancia in Idaho!” No you don’t.

    You can’t relationship sell a commodity.

    Knee jerk love for the turbo DMC. I’ll buy it yesterday.

    If you have to ask...


    Yes, all the other hipsters think that you’re very cool.

    Are you 12?

    Have you no couth? Butter mints are all kinds of awesome.

    For $2500, you could probably sell interior bits to get the car in to LeMons. It would only last half a race, but it would be glorious.

    Weekends, even holiday weekends, are cheaper than weekdays. Every day business travel is a much higher demand than any holiday weekend.

    I rent 90 days a year. You are getting ripped off. Unlimited miles is unlimited miles. If you go in to Mexico, there can be issues, but no rental company enforces this unless you get in an accident in Mexico.

    Use National. $35/day + fees, usually about $55/day.

    Are you using some janky rent-a-rek?

    If you’re paying more than $55/day for a midsize/standard, all fees included, you’re doing it wrong. Are you under 25?

    I travel for work extensively. I use Uber in very limited cases - cities when I would have used taxis before. It’s pretty much just Vegas and NYC. Other than that, Uber is more expensive and less convenient than getting a rental. if I have to get off a plane, hit a customer, grab lunch, two more customers, hotel,