
I like them both. Hope they’re happy together. And if Bill decides he would rather don Stefon cosplay and date me, that’s fine too.

That worried me too. That she will think her being raped, or her being upset about it was what ultimately landed her dad in prison. That maybe if she had gotten over it faster, or if she hadn't got raped in the first place, her dad would never have done this

Sadly, there’s a good chance his daughter will blame herself for this. Fear that a loved one will get themselves thrown in prison by taking revenge is one of many reasons why rape survivors stay silent. 

So this girl was raped, her case was criminally mismanaged, and now her father is going to jail. But at least he got to express his frustrations! Instead of being there for his kid, giving her love, support, comfort, whatever she needs, he decided that his need to get revenge was more important. If there ever was a

just as many catholics are “more catholic than the pope” so too cops’ wives tend to be “more cop than the cops”. And demonizing people for associating themselves with the enemy is always helpful. That is how you peel away the enemy’s popular support; it’s the way successful revolutionary movements have always operated.

All cops are indeed bad. That doesn’t mean nobody goes into the profession with good intentions, as you suggest, but those people either conform to the evils of the system, succumb to the peer pressure of their colleagues, and are corrupted, or they leave the profession - of their own accord or thanks to pressure from

Congratulations! You’ve just described the cycle of healthy inflation. When a capitalist economy is functioning correctly, all aspects of it increase over time. Gas used to cost less than $1 a gallon. A loaf of decent bread as well. Most things cost less, but that was OK because people made less.

If employers do not pay a wage that allows their workers to live, we the people step in and do so in the form of welfare, wic, EBT, sponsored housing, medicaid, etc.

“You can’t fill your seats” means your business is unsuccessful. As you say, food is your product. If people aren’t willing to pay for it that doesn’t give you the right to pay labor unfairly. As others have stated, why are labor costs their tipping point and not the rising rent costs? Why is that not the focus? 

my permanent motto for this is simple:

Hot take: as a business owner, if you arent complaining about the skyrocketing rent, but are closing because you will have to pay your employees a fair wage finally, you arent a great business owner to begin with. If 40K more a year is causing you to close, how successful was your business to begin with. Thats a

If everyone is making $20 an hour, then they can afford to raise their menu prices to cover the hike because more people will be able to afford to eat out.

...Wait, did I just learn something about Douglas Adams?

I dated a guy who wouldn’t let me sit on his bed if I had taken the subway over, because he didn’t want subway germs from my pants on his duvet. Weirdo. May he fall hopelessly in love with a woman who sits in short shorts on the subway

I’m pretty sure Snoop would find a way to add THC to IV fluid if he couldn’t smoke anymore. I’m actually surprised that Willie has stopped consuming pot  -if that’s actually true, vs him saying “I don’t smoke anymore” and it being taken out of context because he didn’t elaborate on his alternate delivery methods.

Willie’s wife has an incredible line of edibles. His vape line is amazing too. Willie still gets high as fuck, I promise.

...And a chill runs up Snoop Dogg’s spine.

“The film opens in the mid-’60s, with Henry Ford II (Tracy Letts), eldest grandson of the original Ford, angrily and somewhat impotently admonishing his workers to come up with new ideas.”