
This article is feigning controversy over one of the more innocent e-mails leaked. It is examining one of the most controversy free e-mails and pretending to attack it. The intended effect is that people will read this article and think, “Gee, these leaked e-mails aren’t so bad, I don’t see what the fuss is about”.

There is nothing in these hacked emails that is especially damning within the context of the general election against Trump, but there are pieces of information that confirm some of HRC’s Leftist detractors criticisms of her.

If only I could land a job at a downtown San Francisco McDonalds, that should pull at least 150k

While I certainly agree with your advice, and Mr. Rose could well be a misogynist, I don’t see how you get there from here. He’s talking specifically about why he takes his used condoms with him after having sex with women, at a trial about a particular instance of (allegedly non-consensual) sex with a woman. Just

Black people arent being oppressed. Assholes are being oppressed, because they act like assholes. Im half black, and never in my life have I come close to being invloved in a negative, or racist altercation with a police officer. You know why? Because I act like a sesible, law abiding human being. Out of the 900 plus

Agreed, that garbage was sanctimonious and disingenuous as all get out.

Not to be “that guy” but your parents broke the law to provide for you. For me I understand that parents will go through any length for their child to succeed. That said the law is still the law. In order to build this country back up we need to clean it out. Making every illegal immigrant suddenly legal would damage

Can you clarify what you mean by “will never reap the benefits”. Did you not go to school, use roads, have police and fire safety, etc., ad nauseum

Really please show me where Lincoln was a democrat then

Of course this is a laughable attack on capitalism, and private business in general, because Bernie.

Yes. Clearly a bill which no Republican was involved in writing and which no Republican voted for was “set up by the Republicans to fail on day one”. Or, perhaps, it was the Democrats who had to be “paid off” (i.e. the Cornhusker kickback, etc.) to vote on an incomplete bill that none of them read before voting for it

These vile negresses wasted valuable spots at the Academy that could have been taken by others with personal integrity.

I went to see a movie last night and the trailer forGhostbusters the Deuce was shown. There were actual groans courtesy of the audience and at the end, some guy, with the theater completely quiet, said, almost to himself, “Jesus Christ.” It received the biggest laugh.

For those that are wondering about the threesome: Boras was screwing Harvey and the Mets at the same time.

Oh Kayne.

One thing I beg of all atheists is to accept the possibility that everything they see as proof that there is NO supreme being/creator could, in fact, have been created by a supreme being. Dinosaur bones, science experiments, etc. are well within the capabilites of something that created a universe.

Curly hug back :D