
Hey genius he is only opening a case because he saw something there where he had no choice and would be jeopardizsd if he didn’t

You’re right dems really care though you’re education is shit the inner cities are shit unemployment is shit even with adjusted numbers and dems count on you every four years to know your place and get in line for them anyway because we know best since we are white and we have only had your vote a half century

We don’t have to be subjected to this crap all the time

Sorry but we buikt this country

Sorry but republicans show up and all the main stream media talk about taking houses back just motivates and reminds republicans how much they need to control that regardless of trump

The whole bullshit about the FBI not charging as a defense needs to stop because the leaks have shown more then enough to have built an easy fraud case

Hey man we are gonna be fine

Good news coverage on Obama addressing his disastrous health care yet another year of massive premium hikes and insurers dropping his garbage ideas

This is the tamest most boring email and gawker is pretending to rip something they know is meaningless . There are dozens and dozens of very ugly emails and gawker wants to focus our attention on the clean ones while they pretend to have journalistic integrity. The sheep are eating it up saying oh gee there wasn’t

Hey idiot they are purposely examining one of the least controversial and problematic emails so idiots like you who only pay attention to leftist media will say oh gee this isn’t that bad and assume everything is else is similarly bland. It’s actually pretty intelligent for a very liberal gawker and monkeys like you

No you just watch and read the mainstream media that doesn’t need cover the actual damaging emails. There are dozens to choose from and the media covers nothing but allegations about trump from twenty years ago.

Yes shocker they are covering the most boring least damaging leak possible.

That goes both ways hypocrite. Can’t crush trump while ignoring what Hillary did to accusers of bill

It would be nice if you gave the same credibility to acccusers of liberals you hypocrites

The hypocrisy is laughable coming from people who defend Hillary and bill

Uh nobody’s is forced to got college and get in crazy debt. More people need to learn a trade and build their own career instead of being a good little sheep who takes out massive student loans they can’t afford

No just breaking laws and constantly lying

HEy she watches sports center occasionally and has a ton of guy friends so she totally knows a shit load about baseball

Holy cow you are a moron. Pointing out that bill did far worse and Hillary actively went after the accusers doesn’t make someone racist. Get back to doing your homework for fifth grade

Yea thanks. Media should only coordinate with and protect the democrats. How dare the media extend the daily preferential treatment of Hillary to the child of donald trump .