
These are kids; telling a trusted adult is not a “wasted step”, and it also allows her some accommodation from the school, so she doesn’t have to ride the same bus with him or whatnot. Give the girl a break- she did nothing wrong. No one can ever be a victim perfectly enough to meet everyone’s standards.


He’s about to have his record broken by Ezekiel Elliot, just leave him alone.

This is the trophy that “I” was missing. Thank you for winning it for “ME.” BTW, did I mention all of the trophies that I’ve won? I’ve won ALL OF THEM! I’M SO HAPPY!!!

Nothing bad to say about the fact that 90% of the speech was about how happy HE was?

This is an excellent article I love how deep you guys go on this stuff it teaches me a lot about the game, I never played in school so these help me enjoy it a lot more. I’m curious as to how this fits with the Dolphins who’ve also had one of the biggest turn arounds this year with a big emphasis on the run?

Tone-Loc was excellent in Blank Check.

Amazing how the news channels and nightly news shows are putting shit on a platter and pretending that the people who ran, applauded, laughed about, and expanded a campaign built exclusively on hating non-whites, including dead war heroes should now be patted on the back for a job well done by reporters who only want

Yes, this is true. I know you’re trying to get your point across by attaching this comment to the post with the most stars, hoping more people will see it that way, but here’s the thing. I DON’T FUCKING CARE. THIS IS A JOKE ABOUT THE STEVE WILKOS SHOW AND STEVE WILKOS WOULD THROW YOU OFF HIS GOD DAMN STAGE FOR THIS

-1 outlet pass

I agree with the spirit, but when your doing a mock-take, you gotta be precise; an outlet pass is a pass off a rebound, not a pass out of a double team.

Sounds like Gottlieb charged his takes to a stolen credit card.

Did you just all lives matter me

Diana Moskovitz is a treasure. Her reporting on the legal issues tranversing professional sports and the system are excellent.

“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”

Sounds like someone is in the pocket of Big Endowment.

I fucking spit my drink onto my poor dog. COTFuckingD

This is awful. But if anyone can come back from this, it’s this guy.

Contestant: [watches video above]

I just can’t believe he never went to Zach Britton.