
@JohnnyZito: It has worked well with Shakespeare too. The film Richard III, with McKellan-Magneto, was good.

@carloverz28: Ditto. Works great on Nokia X6. No sensor required.

@headshox: GPS is no way to measure traffic flows. They already do this with sensors in the road. Sometimes, they even send guys to sit and watch an intersection all day. I saw two guys doing that a couple weeks ago.

@MrBuffalo: Moviepooper dot com. Just give me the ending.

@Vanarie: I think you mean krausening. Putting a bit of young beer (with newer, active yeast) in with the mature beer to stimulate carbonation in the bottle. Not just yeast.

@Celtic1888: Very true. Seems like it was the 90s, not 80s, but whatever.

@Johnny_Under: The question, to me, is whether the scent is unavoidable when the saliva and plant compounds are mixed. Sure we assume animals can learn. Assuming the plant learned how to attract other predators is kinda far out.

@Dickeydoo: They're probably simulating limited field of vision from the helmet and visor too.

@pastoralia: I felt a thrill too, but somehow at that moment, I knew they weren't going to actually kill her. Same with Zoe.

@seoism: Yes, there's a way to make the faith war interesting and they're not doing it. I mean, they could blame the multiple deities for all the hedonism that supposedly plagues Caprica. Recall the ancient Romans. But that's not even on the mind of the average person. Faith vs. science is.

@don_mynack: Yeah, I think OP gives the writers too much credit. It's TV. It's entertainment.

@Moxie6: Agreed. A huge wave of indifference came over me during the climax of the finale. I couldn't care less if most of them lived or died.

@emerson999: I was eager to see the stories of those three girls. But they all fell off a cliff in the second half of the season, except for Lacy's.

@Gouda: This reminds me how much that subplot turned me off too. I remember thinking: 'here with go with the made-up religious cult thing to justify some plot event.'

Aquascutum says it made the first waterproof wool in the 1800s.

If your jacket has a glued-in canvas, it wasn't worth being 'tailored.' And cotton shoulder wadding shouldn't dissolve in water.

I'd argue the studio and the theaters didn't think this was a niche movie. They put it on a lot of movie screens. They obviously miscalculated who would come to see it. Blame the advertising to some degree, because they probably could have sold it a few different ways.

@Adam-H: I was guessing flanked. As in guard your flank.