
@nchatch: It took me a second, but what he's doing is going up and down the neck at the same time. So as he moves his hand in one direction, the notes get higher on one side, and lower on the other. Ascending and descending notes/chords at the same time.

Dropbox works for the few things I need to share.

@agasaf: "Copyright 2004."

@AlienHandSyndrome: I feel the same way about seeing actors in real-life sometimes.

@iamsid: any audio recording program should work, if it has some sort of EQ or filtering plugins. Adobe Audition is equivalent to Logic Express, but it's $300.

I'm doing this now through Logic and it has some effect, but it's not complete. Canceling the low frequencies seems more pleasing.

In an interview around the debut of Futurama, Matt Groening said something similar. Government will be just as inadequate in the 31st century as it is now.