Ditto all this. Miami-Dade has the units (at least two I saw), not city of Miami. And this video obviously was shot in the City of Miami Beach.
Ditto all this. Miami-Dade has the units (at least two I saw), not city of Miami. And this video obviously was shot in the City of Miami Beach.
Sounds like a great opportunity to make the documentary about how the film turned into a disaster. Maybe Pitt can win his Oscar for that movie, like Ben Stiller's character in Tropic Thunder.
Growing your own hops sounds like a pretty low yield activity. Can you really grow the kind you want? How much will you have, and how long does it take? I'm all for gardening, but my understanding is hops are awful picky.
Because cats hate people?
My answer: yes, indulge Cameron less.
Did Lucas seriously go back in and re-do FX to accomplish that?
Bah! Spend a couple hundred on a serviceable multipurpose lens, or a nice portrait lens. Then rent a lens for special things. The rental prices I see online are too hard to ignore.
I know! They did it again! I guess Enrico has a steady job for the time being.
I kinda quit the show after Enrico Colantoni was revealed not to be the weakling teacher, but the neighborhood crime lord. Awesome turnabout. But scrambled my brains.
Last episode had me thinking more about the early Dollhouse episodes. They both seemed to want to establish the procedural before exploring the back story. In both shows, my patience really runs thin. I can't suspend my disbelief over and over to watch these guys play super criminal (like I couldn't watch Echo play…
I love how the bad guy who's been gone 50 years doesn't bat an eye when he waltzes on the modern subway and instantly knows how to con the driver to open the door, and then operate the train.
Yeah, I was confused. I really thought he was somehow making a new one. And I can't remember how they explained the fate of the other one. Was it supposed to have be lost or destroyed?
I always preferred the term Alt-livia but whatever. Now, however, it's clear that if and when they introduce an Olivia shapeshifter, the name Fauxlivia is already taken.
We have both in my house too, and I agree with much of what you say.
I loved that moment. The big door opens, dude walks in. Then Blonde and Hurley look at each other and shrug. "There he goes ... off to mystery room." No effort to peek in the door or look curious or anything. Great stuff.
So true, and they got everyone to be excellent to each other.
Got one. Love it. Though I admit I use it infrequently.
Just tell me it makes the browser usable. Currently, it's pretty bad. Laggy, twitchy, bad.
I'm not sure if you're joking, but it's easy to make that conclusion when you are the government.
I'm thinking more "to the power of Sysco".