I will be the first to agree that there are many idiots on local school boards. I am actually leaving right now to go to a school board meeting. Wish me luck with Plan Overturn the School Board!
I will be the first to agree that there are many idiots on local school boards. I am actually leaving right now to go to a school board meeting. Wish me luck with Plan Overturn the School Board!
My almost-three year old is well versed in this practice. She recites lists. Mummy has a ‘gina (the va- often falls off), Daddy has a penis, uncle so-and-so has a penis, aunty has a ‘gina, cousin has a ‘gina, dog has a ‘gina, cat has a penis, friend x has a penis... and so on. I think it’s awesome.
I would have been so fired for mentioning “birth” to my students while pregnant. Because that happened a lot. As in, “Hey, Mrs. Morbius, when are you leaving?” “Oh, students, I don’t know, it depends on when I give birth.”
I was raised to use euphemisms. I’m raising my kid to use medically correct language, though.
When my four year old niece told me it was called lady land I called up my sister and yelled, “for fucks sakes you’re a nurse! We agreed no cutesy nicknames when we had children!”
Once, my child turned to me in the store and said, very loudly, “I really love my vagina.” On one side, a woman looked shocked and upset, and on the other, an older woman was giggling and smiling.
It was a bit uncomfortable discussing it at first because we didn’t discuss anything related to “down there” in my house growing up. But I wanted to get over it because I don’t want my daughter growing up with the same hangups. So once when she was 2 or 3, her vagina was really itching, so I had her lie down, and I…
Imagine the parents that complained. IMAGINE THEM.
I had a gym teacher in middle school who, if someone got beaned in the stomach with a field hockey ball or whatever, would cringe and shout “ooooh, right in the ovary!” It’s insane to me that this intensely entertaining catchphrase would have gotten her fired if she worked at this school. And my school was HELLA…
You know what, it’s because of shit like this that, despite owning one, I didn’t know the word “vagina” until I was 7. These kids are like 13. Are they not supposed to know the proper words for body parts?
For fuck’s sake. As Rando said, she wasn’t talking about anything to do with reproduction. It’s exactly the same as saying the name of ANY OTHER BODY PART BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IT IS CALLED. Good for her for refusing to use some stupid euphamism.
We live in a society where someone can lose their job for saying the proper name of a body part that at least half the population has.
Someone yesterday made an excellent point, every senator who wrote a "character reference" for this monster needs to be examined by the public and their political opponents.
They let their baby suffer for 2 and a half weeks. They are 100% totally to blame.
That’s the thing. I think if either of them were as sick as their child was they would have gotten themselves real medical care. They wouldn’t have put up with the misery. Their God-complex would have shut off real quick.
Agreed. I just hope one day they realize, yes, you did let your son die. And it is your fault.
Good. If you’re an adult, feel free to be a guinea pig, treat, don’t treat, whatever.
that the government and/or the medical establishment are attacking the family for their beliefs.
*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.
I applaud these women for trying to do something to combat the insane blowback to women in sports journalism. I feel awful for the dudes who have to read these, since it almost makes them look like the losers who actually typed those things.