
I think that until that happens to you (God forbid), you won’t know how you’ll feel or what you’ll want. I lost a pregnancy at 20 weeks and I found that I wanted his handprint and footprint, and I wanted to name him. Once he was gone, he was too little to leave anything in the world and I wanted something tangible of

In my mind, it would be so much worse to see a baby, to hear it cry, to fall even more in love, to know it was hurting, to name it, and then to bury it.

I want to first say something: THE GOVERNMENT DICTATING WHAT MEDICAL CONVERSATIONS TAKE PLACE CAN GO TO HELL. (ex: Fuck you, Florida, I’ll talk about gun safety as much as I damn well please) My only hope here, putting on my rose-colored glasses, is that this will ensure that hospitals provide this service to women

I had twins and one was unlikely to live beyond 5 days. The amount of stress I was under (I also had another child that I couldn’t completely shelter from the situation) was awful. I had one healthy and one stillborn. It is so traumatic (every birthday still has a shadow). I loved both but there was so much suffering

Perinatal hospice care:

I would be willing to bet good money that at least 95% of the people who voted for that law have never actually been in a NICU or seen a baby with anencephaly poked and prodded for days before being taken off a respirator and finally be given peace.

The fact that he even attempted to pin it on a 5 year old when a 13 year old witnessed it, says a lot about his control over the children. I'm sure it was mostly panic, but still, you have to have instilled a good amount of fear.

He punched a 5 year old for being upset at seeing him shoot her sister dead right in front of her. His pain is pretty much bottom of the priority list here.

If you are not planning on immediately firing your gun, then you shouldn’t put bullets into it.

Yeah, I don’t care about that guys hurt fee-fees. He shot a toddler and was waving a loaded gun around in a room full of children. Then punched a 5 year old for crying and tried to frame her for the shooting. He gets NO consideration. Fuck that guy.

The part of the story that matters is that a child is dead by violence and her siblings witnessed it. Victims matter more than perpetrators, especially when they were powerless to change the outcome. Her name is Tahirah; his name should be forgotten.

I’m confused about the attempt at a cover-up. Were the police supposed to believe that the 5-year-old punched herself and then shot her sister?

When you take out your loaded gun with the fucking safety off and wave it around in a roomful of children, then any shooting that results is intentional.

Until we start treating these shootings as something other than “accidents,” they will continue. This man should be charged with second degree murder.

Mills was accused of approaching a sister of slain Sandy Hook Elementary School teacher Victoria Soto during a charity race in November and angrily claiming the shootings never took place.

As long as he’s responsible about them (and sounds like he is - though is that rifle unloaded?) you don’t have anything to worry about. I’m from the South, so guns are pretty much a matter of course, but I’ve never lived with more than a secret shotgun, if that makes sense. Maybe ask him to teach you how to

I grew up with guns so I don’t think I would have a problem with it, but how are they being stored? I would insist on unloaded, in a locked safe, personally.

UPDATE: I’m having a drink in my hotel bar/living room and this guy starts chatting me up and I tell him what I did today. He literally looks me straight in the eye and says “You’ll never be a police officer. You’re a woman.....And you’re white.”

Jezzies, I had my baby! Her name is Juniper.

I’m late to the SNS party because...I was taking the Chicago police exam. I know there’s a lot of controversy around it right now, but I figure if I can be a force for positive change, that’s worth doing. The test was easy, except for this weird section with computer generated faces. Also, they confiscated my novel.