
Cox locked herself out of her car and walked to a nearby gas station to phone her boyfriend to bring her a spare; the police wouldn’t allow her to make a long-distance call from the station.

Goodness, Gracious! I guess I have to be the one in this thread to remark on how nice it is that Nicholas Cage bailed out a woman who was being attacked by a man with a long history of domestic violence and public violence! I don’t really care how dramatic he felt he had to be about it.

One of the reasons, I like Kristen Dunst. I know a lot of people didn’t like that movie but I particularly love it. It just beautiful.

Just wait until men age. Then it comes true. Seriously. Gross but true my dad basically gets periods, in the form of horrible old-age hemorrhoids. Bad spells pop up every 2 or 3 months. He gets nasty when he has them. They hurt inside. Flow uncontrollably and clot. Come out when you sneeze or cough. Worst part is

Jon Snow is dead. Long live Jon Snow.

A real man hyphenates.

Jon Snow is dead. JON STARK LIVES.

As a guy, that kills me. It’s a box of stuff from the store, same as tons of other shit you buy (unless you’re buying used ones?). I guarantee you the same guys who are embarrassed about buying tampons (because the cashier might think you have a vagina?) won’t bat an eye about buying toilet paper or condoms. Just

What about the joys of sneezing on your period? Or standing up after a long period of sitting and feeling ***the gush***

Right? They experienced fake blood for a week. What a joke, that’s the easiest part of your period to get rid of if you are on certain kinds of birth control. Otherwise, HELLO TRY GUYS, WANT TO EXPERIENCE LIFE AWASH IN HORMONAL RAGE? IT’S GREAT, I KNOW YOU DON’T BELIEVE ME, BUT LIKE, YOU SHOULD EXPERIENCE FOR

Period blood is only part of the whole period experience. Were they forced to use stool softeners to get period shits? What about a cramp machine? What about having to pass blood clots?

I would lay face down in the dirt and thank the almighty if the worst thing about having a period is bleeding through clothes, pads, and tampons. This experiment does nothing to share women’s experiences because what’s missing is the extreme pain (for years I would black out, faint, be susceptible to a raging fever,

I would like to thank the period-having coworkers with whom I consulted for this blog.

So here is what I don't understand about the law. The product of an abortion, just like the blood and tissue from any other medical procedure, is a biohazard. Biohazards are properly disposed of by...wait for it...incineration. The cost of waste disposal is built into a procedure. Therefore, aborted fetuses are

I love how so many of these men describe themselves in the negative: “not short, not fat”, etc. It’s as though they are saying “Hey, I meet the bare minimum, now stop being so damned picky and let’s bone”.

Up his ass! Up his ass!

I was with you until the part about throwing the gavel at his face. That’s just silly.

(I’m assuming Father Brah is opposed to illegal wiretapping.)

PP tech: “The doctor says your wife’s PAP smear results look great. She could probably stand a little more calcium in her diet, it’s never too early to start thinking about bone health. It would suck to break a hip - say, when she’s in her 70's - so, it’s not something you fool around with. Here’s a ten-week supply of

“Citizen journalist”? Please. Give me that 9 year old girl.