I'm Figuratively Dead

Absolutely one of the best musical films I’ve seen. Big fan of it. 10/10 would recommend. Joe Anderson alone is worth the ticket, but the rest of the cast is great too.

I remember being really annoyed with my friends when I first watched it because I was getting so into it, and they started interrupting because they didn’t care for the songs. Now I just return to it on my own from time to time because it remains such a good experience. 

I’m a similar age, but I knew a bunch of the songs before because of my dad. I still loved the movie and listen to the album with the actor’s versions. There are a few songs where I thoroughly prefer the movie version over the Beatles.

As a Millennial who didn’t really know the Beatles before this film, Across The Universe was a really cool introduction. I will always stand by this film.

“And I’ll send all my lovin’ to you!”

I legit saw this as a teen in theatres and it was my favourite film for a loooong time.

I’m 33 and maybe I’m just too young to appreciate The Beatles but this film was iconic to my youth, perhaps because I wasn’t familiar with The Beatles and their endless amount of hit songs beforehand.

Wait people didn’t like this film? I fucking loved it when it came out.

Now this is a type of method acting I can fully support.

“Hi, I’m Bad Kuchi Kopi, and I’m an autoholic. I’m six months car free, though”

they wanted to remove anything queer? So T.V. Carpio’s “I wanna hold your hand” would have been out, and thats my favourite scene in the movie. Good job Julie!

enjoyed Smile but not sure it really needed a sequel

I loved this movie and saw it with people who hated it, which is why I saw it again in theaters another couple times by my damn self. I still get chills when Dana Fuchs launches into “Helter Skelter”, she could knock a building down with that voice.

Whenever I see a story like this I’m just so grateful I managed to quit driving. 

I can only think of Hugh Jackman on top of the ones you mention

Are you saying you’re not going to watch his cooking show on YouTube?

What a stupid statement. Sure, like maybe a handful of extremely gullible weirdos thought he was genuinely a cannibal. But most of us knew what was stated and obvious, which is that he had cannibal fantasies that were just part of an overall trend of wildly inappropriate kink gone wrong. He’s a fucking nepo baby

Too horny wasn’t the problem. If his messages were “Ooh, baby, I want to put my (whatever body part) in your (one of three orifices) “, he would have been fine.  No one would have blinked an eye.

before all of that stuff happened to me, I didn’t feel good

I’d have more sympathy, but he sucked as the Lone Ranger.