I'm Figuratively Dead


I’m not saying this woman has a case - I don’t know enough about the situation to weigh in either way - but I do think it’s worth having a serious discussion about how much effort needs to be put into making the subjects of “true story” entertainment anonymous. Should Gadd and people like him be able to tell their

Say what you will about young people though, they tend to avoid making phone calls. 

The movie ended with him aborting himself, so maybe all those eggs and flour were just so people could get a big bite of bread in the end.

Remember when someone had the bright idea to build an entire movie around “Here’s two hours of Ashton Kutcher using superpowers to repeatedly land himself in one shitty situation after another, please enjoy”?

Well, it’s the only way his dearest friend in the world will ever be in a movie again.

What Happens In Vegas star thinks AI could make a great movie

Right after the Oscars, a few people got pushback for saying some variation of “this is how Weinstein happened,” but...it is truly rich watching an industry that spent the last 7 years patting itself on the back for its supposed progress in not condoning bad behavior circle the wagons around Will Smith like this.

“Hell no.”

Fuck Will Smith.

It’s Powell's disconcerting head-to-face ratio, isn't it? 

Ugh, wtf? Fuck Will Smith and fuck Hot Ones for having him as a guest.

He should be shunned from Hollywood.

Not only does the weather suck, but Disney vacations have gotten insanely expensive.

They’d look fucking cool, but that’s about it.”

It is entertaining. I read them as an adult and there were some things that bothered me like how it seemed like population of Panem (basically North America in the future) seemed to consist of just a few towns and the capital, that it was written in present tense instead of past tense, and the love triangle stuff.

More parks in a sweltering reclaimed swamp that’s only getting hotter everyday sounds like a great idea.

I’d prefer a Peeta-focused movie highlighting more of his baking-inspired camouflage trickery!

It is probably not a coincidence that the legal fights between Disney and Florida faded away and got resolved very soon after deSantis gave up on his Presidential run and no longer had to appear to be Trumpier than Trump.  He’s just another Republican that doesn’t stand for anything and everything he does is just to

Still not going to Florida.