I'm Figuratively Dead

By your logic, protesting the Vietnam War was horseshit since they didn’t protest all the other wars going on at the same time.

Seeing this makes me, in an odd way, respect Nicole Holofcener more. Because she’s the only director I can think of who has been able to elicit genuine warmth from Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who can do a lot of things well, but warmth is rarely one of them. Including Tuesday.

I feel like there are a lot of people who see Yang and project on him all their feelings and political beliefs.

All those are bad but right now the only one that my government I actively directly funding is the genocide of the Palestinians.

Oh the poor Israelis what are they supposed to do, not kill kids???

No one wants dead kids? No one?

I wonder what else was Israel supposed to do?

“Does it not matter that Hamas is using those same children as human shields”

I mean...where’s *your* outrage about those things? Plus Palestine. You don’t seem to give a shit about any of it.   Anyway, congrats on the username/comment synergy, though.

Ah come on , that is literally saying “oh you’re against genocide now , name all of them” and its a weak argument.

I mean no they dont , but also , maybe dont murder kids and bomb hospitals on the pretence that they’re hiding terrorists either.
As someone from Ireland as well I can tell you ‘whataboutery’ does nobody any good. And While Hamas are evil bastards the solution isn’t just ‘kill every Palestinian , and let God sort it

Wait, someone can’t mention Palestine without reciting a litany of other global issues? That’s ridiculous. If someone wants to discuss Ukraine, I don’t demand they discuss Uyghurs. Belief that discussing one topic at a time is invalid is crap. So I agree that selective outrage is bullshit; it’s a bullshit derailment

I’m Palestinian, you dumb motherfucker. I’m pissed about all the shit you listed, but I think I’m allowed to specifically be upset about ethnic cleansing and war crimes being committed against my people.

It’s Zod the Zionist - all that poor cunt has going for himself is that, thanks to a minor quirk of ethnicity, there’s a chance that he could move to a country where he’s not a massive loser - hence his hard-on for colonisation and genocide.

Eh, give Bibi and his Torah Taliban mates time. They’re rather busy ethnically-cleansing at the moment.

How many Palestinian children would you like to see killed to punish Hamas? Wha’s the number? 20,000? 30,000?

oh get fu©ked. Hamas’ anti LGBTQ+ stance is not, or ever will be, an excuse for the genocide of an innocent population. And you’re trying to use it as a justification by bringing it up here.

now to do a psa for all the rowdy groups that cant seem to shut up while the movie is playing

oh darn,

She wants time off to spend with her friends: