I'm Figuratively Dead

Good. It wasn’t really a compelling story line. He’s beyond the wall where he’s always wanted to be. He had the best outcome of any of them. Unless they would do something absurd, like make it a three-camera sitcom of him and his new girl and kids and crazy uncle Tormund swinging by once and a while, it didn’t seem

Yeah, I’m very much not the person to be swept into that sort of thing, but that kiss is...I mean, damn.

I liked the Leslie/Ben and Andy/April stuff for the most part, so I’d probably extend Peak Parks and Rec a couple of seasons, but jesus does that show just dissolve into a warm puddle of goo by the end there. There’s pointless, self-indulgent victory laps, and then there’s Parks and Rec’s seventh season.

It’s not a sequel.

GOOD!  I didn’t want ‘broody, uninteresting character goes to the cold and is miserable for an hour at a time, played by the worst to appear on Game of Thrones’!  I mean, of all the good things and memorable stuff from GoT, the only bit that anyone really remembers involving Jon Snow is when people were insulting

The only way a proper GoT sequel is going to happen is if GRRM finishes the last two ASoIaF novels (big if) and Warner Bros. decides to pull a Snyder Cut on the final seasons of the show (“Now! See the Epic Conclusion as it was TRULY MEANT TO BE!”).

The actors also alleged that Stallone asked production to bring in “pretty young girls to be around me” instead.”

I dunno, in my opinion this show peaked around season 3 before it turned into a show that was entirely about pairing all of its characters off (even Ron Swanson!) and trying to make the audience go “awww” instead of being funny. It’s like the writers all fell too in love with their characters and stopped trying to

“Literally” is doing a lot of legwork here.

There is only one good thing about Morbius was the internet gaslighting Sony into thinking the movie had an audience because of ‘It’s Morbin’ Time’ and released the film again only to watch the movie bomb a second time at the box office.

Or maybe you could take 2 seconds to use what brain you have to understand what the term means instead of parroting Israeli talking points. Which they like everything about the country has appropriated and now use themselves.

That is the second tragedy in all of this. The need for new trials but knowing they will never happen.

Ah, an attempt was made at wordplay. Got it.

I mean... yes, but the result is pretty disappointing. It’s a “right and a left” as in getting punched in the face repeatedly but replace “right” with “copyright”. Ha-ha-has abound, I guess.

7 franchise outliers that gave Hollywood a copyright and a left”

This tired-ass lie

I love Ben & Leslie, but to me the greatest sitcom couple ever is Virginia and Burt on Raising Hope (Martha Plimpton and Garrett Dillahunt)

If nothing else, the parallel of these two wars is that Israel is the Russia, not the Ukraine.”

Sure buddy, if only Hamas released a few more hostages, Israel will dial back the genocide it has spent decades building up to.

They’re not going to answer that question, certainly not in good faith. If “low-information leftists” didn’t give it away, check out Prognosis Negative’s comment history. It’s all ranting about Arabs and pronouns.