I'm Figuratively Dead

Dismukes was especially spectacular here.  I got a real I Think You Should Leave vibe from this escalating nonsense.

The escalation of the Jumanji sketch was hilarious. It started out really tame like your typical SNL groaner but I got some good laughs in by the time Dismukes and Wiig were really going at it.

Jumanji’d started slow, but then it turned into how talking about boardgame rules always go. And I laughed a lot.

Yeah, and even if you include the caveat from the article: “an effects filled action-comedy starring hot young actors (emphasis on hot, looking at the leads) going through one set piece after another.” Well... that’s just a James Bond film, isn’t it? 

I mean, yeah. Why should great movies only be on the big screen for a few weeks when they’re new? Rerelease ALL the classics!


Useless fact! YouTube served me up Wiig guesting on Conan O’Brien’s podcast, and she says that Aunt Linda was based on someone she saw on an airplane who watched The Matrix and kept making “Whaaaa?” sounds.

“The Mummy” from 1999 paved the way for the summer blockbuster as we know it? This sounds very much like what you’d say if you were born in 1993, but summer blockbusters have been around since Jaws in 1975 at least.

This is nothing new and was standard (and very profitable) practice from the earlist days of movie theaters up until around the millennium with the rise of cable and streaming. It was centered more around revival houses and single screen theaters but was so common place that through the nineties I could catch what

Hey, the standard you’re being compared to is Sacha Baron Cohen, so it’s probably looking pretty good for you.

Only if “unified” means “unified in liking me.”  If you’re Dwayne Johnson, you care about having as many Instagram followers as possible and that’s it.

The Rock only sees one color - not red, not blue, just green.

This guy is as boring as Black Adam. And is as pointless as Cruise. And as bland as San Andreas. And as needlessly dull as Hobbes and Someone.

Well now I don’t know who to vote for.

My goal is to bring this country together

Right? I get that we are truly in the darkest timeline of presidential candidates, but this is still an easy choice. Hell, even if he wanted to say he was voting for a third party candidate he could say that, but if you can’t even go on record as saying you’re not voting for trump...that’s psychopath levels of

This sort of rhetoric, an empty platitude at the best of times, seems vaguely insane when Trump is on the ballot. “In the interest of national unity and peace, I refuse to tell you whether I prefer the moderate grandad or the perpetually aggrieved lunatic who made ‘vengeance against my enemies’ a cornerstone of his

“What exactly does he think is going to happen if Trump wins again?”

I smell what the rock is cooking and it smells like bullshit.

“but what that caused was something that tears me up in my guts—which is division”