I'm Figuratively Dead

I completely agree with you (except about Cartman’s squealing, which actually got funnier to me as it kept happening). The ratings for this and the last episode should be reversed. Band in China was iconic and the best episode they’ve done since season 19.

I worked as a field representative for the Census, out of the Philadelphia regional office, for 3 years, doing the American Community Survey (even met that dude Fernando Armstrong quoted in the post). The SECOND Trump took office, doing my job got 1000x harder. I worked in an area with a lot of El Salvadorean

Invisible Monsters used to be my favorite book when I was in my 20s. I remember about 10 years back there was talk about adapting it into a movie. I was unsure about it bc it seemed like a difficult piece to translate to the screen. TV seems like a better home for it, and I’m not too worried about the technological

Cool. Go take your Lexapro.

I only mentioned it because they’ve covered other roasts in the past, and I was curious why it wasn’t mentioned. No need to be a dick.

I’ll be watching the Roast of Alec Baldwin on Comedy Central

Yeah, I’m not impressed. Dave Chappelle has said some questionable things in his standup but it all comes back to it being a joke. And it’s funny. This was boring and I felt like I was hearing a Breitbart comment section come to life

This is my inner cynical bitch talking, but I wouldn’t be shocked if it were revealed that SNL intentionally hired people like him to drum up publicity. Then again, I’m probably giving them far too much credit.

Only if I can play it in the Eleven Herbs & Space Experience Winnebago Space Simulator.

There’s a lot of people in the Sims community who are unhappy with it, but I adore it. I’ve been setting a few hours aside every week for the past 4 years to play and it’s really worth it

Tomato season is the best season. I’ve been devouring them like a maniac the past 2 weeks. Here’s my current 3 tomato uses

It’s not really in development hell because the movie got made, although with a different script, but I’m still angry about Scream 3. The original script by Kevin Williamson was about Stu (Matthew Lillard) being alive in prison and inspiring a cult of young followers to commit murder. This was right around Columbine

My favorite show of 2019. I love hearing how she breaks down the inspiration for writing the episodes. It all rings so true.

Revisiting the 90s for the new Blair Witch game

I used to walk dogs in Chevy Chase. The dogs were great. The people were insufferable. Story checks out.

Now Tayne I can get into

I always hated Hyde. Don’t trust people who wear sunglasses all the time. They’re hiding something...

I rarely watch reality but this past week on my “staycation” (yuck) I charged through all 34 episodes of season 1 (UK version obviously). What an adventure. My heart breaks a little bit because *SPOILER ALERT*

It should’ve been Wren. He was easy on the eyes