If it is on West Florrisant, it is just a big city street, like the equivalent of Broadway in NYC. It is in a suburban area, so pedestrians are not very well-considered, but it isn’t an Interstate loop or expressway.
If it is on West Florrisant, it is just a big city street, like the equivalent of Broadway in NYC. It is in a suburban area, so pedestrians are not very well-considered, but it isn’t an Interstate loop or expressway.
Stop fucking shooting people! This goes to all people, officers, racist officers, and angry protesters alike!
This is my wee pupple.
She’s almost a year old, now, but this is Roxie 10 months ago! She was so grumpy-looking at first, and so tiny! Now she’s sixty pounds, hard to believe!
puppies!!! here enjoy a picture of my dog when he was just a tiny adorable poop machine
Superbowls? This is the Bears.
I sat through a lot of dreck when my son was little. Most of the fun, as you said, was his beautiful, no holds-barred, full of joy giggling. God, I miss that. You hold on to that, Mama. Pretty soon it’ll be, “I’m going out with my friends to see Saw 187. Can I have some money? And stay inside. I don’t want them to see…
My kid has been more stoked about this movie than he was for Secret Life of Pets. We are going on Tuesday for our weekly night out. Kids have no taste and I’m okay with it. He can be a cynical cinematic snob in twenty years. For now, I’ll just enjoy hearing those giggles about a cranky cat-man.
I feel you. BUT what I also dislike MORE, as I get older and older, is the way my body reacts to drinks 3 and 4 the next day, as if I have chugged a bottle of rat poison.
Just felt like sharing.
I think the age of the boyfriend is left out because the letter is probably trolling to see what the response will be. At least I hope that’s what is happening here. Particularly if whoever is writing Abby has been making some questionable calls on sexual questions, I can see someone sending that in to see if they…
I think I speak for everyone when I say “meh”
Wow, I researched wheat belly and learned all about the scam! Keep your 2 cents, btw.
When I was little, I remember thinking it was beyond ridiculous that my dad said there was a time - before Kennedy - when people said a Catholic would never be president of the US. (It was extra-weird because we’re Canadian, so Catholics have never really had the outsider status here.)
Swiss Cake Rolls or GTFO
TurdFlinger is gender neutral too.
And when your child makes the ‘decision when they get older’ they’ll probably have already changed their name from Nidoran already.
Might as well go with TurdFlinger.
1. It’s not defamation or libel if it’s true.
I love the way no one interrupts her insane babbling. They just let her yammer on...let her get deeper and deeper into the pit of stupidity she's digging.
She should probably watch Go Diego, so as to remind him he’s still important and has a chance to explore as well as Dora.