
For me, part of the issue, I think, was that I was adopted at the age of 4. It was actually a family adoption, which made things more difficult in a way. My family relationships were complicated, and I never really felt like I quite fit in anywhere. Looking back, I had a great deal of anxiety, and I think, abandonment

Adoption is not always the easy hugs and butterflies story many people seem to think it is. I was adopted, and although I was loved by my adoptive family, I would never consider adoption myself. It was extremely important to me to have a biological child with my husband. Luckily, we were able to conceive very easily,

Mochi is a very good girl.

That seems to be a common problem. I have a neighbor who is trying to re-home a new cat she just got because her old cat is just terrorizing him and isn’t showing any signs of letting up. Dogs in the same household might not love each other at first, but most of the time they can work things out and learn to live with

I’m sure you’re right. I was really just expressing a personal opinion. (That happens to be irrefutably correct 😉.) But really, any pet that you can care for and make a connection with is worth having. In my experience, dogs are just really easy to connect with. Although certainly cats are generally much less

I’m all in for pate. I love it, but I’ve never made it at home.

It’s like he’s grown into an adult. Life will do that to you. Well...to some of us at least.

Welllll...he’s got a point there. Maybe first, a bigger space, then a pup. When by husband and I got married, we wanted a dog, but we were living in an apartment. When we bought our first house together, we thought we’d wait a bit before getting a dog...settle in, do some painting, make some improvements, etc. About

A Facebook friend recently got a Corgi puppy, and is constantly posting pics of said puppy. The cuteness is seriously overwhelming.

Tell him you want to just ‘go look’ at puppies at a shelter or breeder...wherever you like. Come home with a puppy. Problem solved.

That’s the one thing I miss about smoking. It brings you together with other people and creates a weird kind of camaraderie.

I believe the consensus is, yes, having a cat will help mitigate some feelings of loneliness. But a dog would be better :)

Making your own dressing also gives you an excuse to buy loads of fancy vinegars that can be used for a variety of things.

I’ll have to try that. I usually use Dijon, or a little mayo, but sometimes I would prefer something else. Dressing just doesn’t come together the same way without an emulsifier.

Mine, too! Had a ham and Swiss on wheat for lunch today with a very generous smear of Ken’s.

Yep. That’s the one.

I was recently at the doc and asked this same question. I’m taking continual BC and haven’t had a period in years. She said she recommends continuing the BC pills until age 52. At that time she does the blood test to check hormone levels and determine if BC is still needed.

FYI...my local Kroger stocks Carnation Malted Milk powder, so it’s worth looking for. They stock it in the aisle with evaporated milk, condensed milk, etc.

At first I read this as ‘you’re gonna need a bigger ass.’ Which...kind of makes sense.

Well, that’s depressing...as are a lot of things these days...