I think working at a restaurant or other service industry job should be a requirement.
I think working at a restaurant or other service industry job should be a requirement.
Honest to God, I thought That I was the only one who did that.
I suspect perhaps it is just their respective locations, anymore.
You’re the type of brave hunter who remains calm while being charged.
That was a great read, thank you!
As you implied, prevention is the best strategery (my single favorite word from Jr’s administration), and my go to is a multivitamin or super B-complex taken with my last couple of drinks. Pain free morning after.
That makes a lot of sense.
I always add a 1/4 cup of Bombay Sapphire to about a cup and a half of store bought (usually Sweet Baby Ray’s, but anything will do except reduced sugar or sugar free), and then slather it on in the last ten to fifteen minutes on the grill. I can’t taste the gin, but it does add something.
I guess the plastic forks should’ve been my first clue...
I like the way you think.
Don’t most restaurants offer to bring take home boxes or bags when the plates are cleared?
My God that looks delicious, and Icannot believe that I’ve never heard of these!
And then add a “wee” bit of vodka.
Should make building an old fashioned Polish cannon out of them easier.
Looks like the response was too much for these guys, all the links are dead.
My Mom used to take me to one here in Colorado when I was small, and I’ve loved them ever since. I’d like to see them return, but I’d also like to see the locals buy them back.
Since Pequod’s is my current Chicago favorite, the very next time I darken Chicago’s streets I’m going to try and find your pizzeria and enjoy some.
Pequod’s rocks!