
Wayne’s Smoleshack in Superior is what you’re looking for.

I’m not sure which is more impressive, 4300 stars or the fact that you knew this.

Oh God no

Why not both?

How about as a mixer?


Okay, THIS is what happens after three martini lunches at Heinz...

Good thing I wasn’t drinking coffee just now...

It’s not like it is going to go bad...

I never really wanted to try Vita Coco before, but now I kinda do.

I couldn’t agree more with all of your picks, especially Negra Modelo. I’m having one at the moment with a plate of delicious chili rellenos.

I may be wrong, but I thought that the whole idea was to drink local?

This is incredible. I don’t even know how to describe it, other than future gold medal winner. Even my IPA hating friend would be intrigued.

Corona is many times better when consumed at the seashore.

You’re absolutely correct, but the stuff in the can tastes weird to me.

Corona in the bottle > Corona in the can.

I didn’t think that real margaritas had margarita mix in them.

Nobody likes glazed doughnuts as buns?

They’re always in the top five places for an Italian Beef.

I can’t believe you all left Totino’s off the list.