
I used to like the loved ones episodes, but have grown to hate them over the last few years, all for what you described... Probst’s insistence to involve himself in the relationship and manufacture the drama. Bleh.

I’ll be honest - I thought the ladies’ were gonna pull off the plan... and then Chelsea had a confessional, at which point I knew she was done.

The character of Kevin has officially hit rock bottom: in CW’s shameless ploy to sell some sort of cell phone app, we have Kevin including his own father when talking about Riverdale’s “hot dads.”

Honestly so sick of this shit.

Damn this episode was good. That entire sequence between Betty, Alice and Hal was amazing. I’ve always loved the Cooper family dynamic the best and holy hell did this episode deliver so well on that. Hal being the Black Hood is predictable but that’s okay just to see it play out so well.

That had to be one of the dumbest votes by someone that is not completely stupid by Laurel. She is playing not to lose despite knowing she has next to no chance against Dom and Wendell and that they both have idols. She has more chance to take charge of the game when Dom now needs her help instead of liking her help.

One interesting thing I’ve just remembered. In episode 1 Fitzjames says to Franklin something like “One look from him [Crozier], and I have to remind myself that I’m not a fraud”. I just love how their friendship was developed during the course of the series, so that now it’s Crozier who supports Fitzjames

Their relationship has been so well done from the start and their goodbye was amazingly well acted

Earlier episodes with the creaking of the ships’ hulls in the background were also really well done.

I wish I could listen to this in surround sound because even on my laptop the rocks clacking together as the crew walk around on them sounds amazing.

I know It’s not going to happen but I would like to see Goodsir and Lady Silence make it out alive they can raise little goodsirs and goodladies together.

I completely missed the joke about the dog’s name.

This show makes me laugh so much. Fantastic episode. Simply fantastic. I just love this perfect mixture of comedy and drama. It’s hard to really treat certain plot developments seriously, but I think at this point the show is very well aware of that and it’s becoming part of its charm.

Yes, I do believe it’s a wild

Frank (begging for his life): Please, we can do a deal. I have a lot of money.

Welp, so long Frank, unlike Bill’s death I don’t give a shit that you’re dead.

I agree with some of your review, but not with everything. Yeah, this wasn’t the strongest episode ever, and I think the grandkids need to be explored more fully, but that will be difficult until J Gallecki is free to appear as needled.

As a Libertarian I cannot stand Donald Trump, Obama, the DNC or the RNC. However, the butt-hurt from the younger millennials is making it very hard for me to keep hating Trump.

Agreed about the birdhouse. I actually thought Dan made his point respectfully and kindly, and for Darlene (and the reviewer) to interpret it as “stifling Mark’s creativity” seemed kind of baffling to me. Make whatever birdhouse you like on your own time and money, but this was a commissioned job.

No need. the viewership will speak volumes, as it has all season. The writer’s attempt to demean will fall on deaf ears. The show is great. The article title is funny considering Roseanne is killing everything else on tv.

Maybe because I had a couple of drinks, but I did get a couple of laughs from this episode, so there is that.

I thought it was one of the better episodes of the season. They should get a reviewer who isn’t afraid to give this show a good review.