
Akiva Goldsman. He must know where the bodies are buried or something to keep getting work. This year alone he has written Transformers, Rings, King Arthur and now this misfire. He also f'd up one of the best novels of the last 25 years in his directorial debut - Winter's Tale.

Sitting through Transylvania 6-500.

Moverman is pretty much a hack. Coogan needs a new agent to handle his non-Partridge projects.

Agree. And enough with the singing already.


Basically anyone on MSNBC, FOX News or CNN at this point.

In other words, CBS Letterman.

What a surprising group of people you guys picked. You guys are always defying expectations.

Genocide is not really an ethical issue.


Adolescent Activity? Welcome to the AV Club.

He seems like a pretty miserable human being.

James Gray is the best American director working today.


I've noticed that a lot of what Baldwin says is disputed by others. It seems to be a pattern.

Can't take Thornton's character seriously with that obvious toupee on his head.

Just a hint of a brain I see.

Send your shit into the AV Club, they might publish it.

Yes, just look at all the listicles out there where both the photo attached to the list and the headline are wildly misleading if not outright lies. It shows a contempt for their (former) readership.

R.I.P. The Audio Visual Club.