
Just too dumb to arrange them into coherent sentences, I guess.

Yes, but the 91% of us who don't have diabetes can drink it.

What a snappy rejoinder.

Why would you care if they made a second season? Just don't watch it.

It doesn't seem like they care much about this feature anymore.

What an achiever you are.

For this we had to put up with 459 AV Club Newswire entries?

You think any of these people commenting on it has actually seen it?

Well this comment thread is certainly depressing.

I think Stravinsky's response to Tori Amos would be something along the lines of, "Who are you to presume to give me advice on my work?"

"The dean is furious! He's waxing wroth!"
"Is Roth out there too? Tell Roth to wax the dean for a while."

Bone up on your Lebowski references.

Why would the review bum you out?

Jolie ruined an awesome story that should have been a blockbuster in UNBROKEN and made an absolutely terrible movie in IN THE LAND OF BLOOD AND HONEY and now this film has been getting pretty weak reviews as well. Directing may not be the career for her.


Look up the word apocryphal in the dictionary.

Successful people have a way of compartmentalizing failures.


Well there may be a lot of unsung film making talent out there but Damon and Affleck and their hirelings have proven after four Project Greenlights that they can't find it.

Jamel Debbouze is a hack. Although he may have the hottest wife on the planet.