
Back in my student days and thanks to crazy Ryanair fares I did a couple of European day trips. First one to Dusseldorf went off fine, early flight out, wander around the city, dinner and a couple beers, late flight home, fun story for when asked what I did yesterday.

When I was a kid my mom would only let the family fly on large airlines. The logic was that larger airlines do their maintenance in house, and an in house mechanic would take more pride in their work and therefore be less likely to cut corners than an outsourced one.

Everyone is missing the most important reason, dealer feedback. It’s well known that balloons sell cars, but come Monday morning and you’re taking the dead ones down it sucks big time when the string is all wrapped around the old school antenna. Shark fin/rubber stump antennas don’t have that problem.

The way you word this makes it sound like you're being facetious, but then your ending is actually what really we should all be doing. 



Every insurance company advertises a potential discount, doesn't mean it's true for everyone/anyone. I regularly get mailers for an insurance co saying I could save $1500 a year, they were actually the most expensive when I shopped around.