
Somewhere, a ‘STICK TO SPORTS!!1!!1!’ Deadspin commenter sits in front of a computer screen, sweating, unable to move, broken.

All sports should have flopping rules. Especially golf.

When youre in, youre in. Hopefully your team made the playoffs so we can play you.

I don’t ‘hate’ Kobe, nor do I ‘love’ Mike, but in pure basketballing terms, prime Michael Jordan would wipe the goddamn floor with Kobe Bryant. There is no debate to be had.

Kobe plays with the confidence of Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Along Came Polly”, along with the shooting percentage as well.

Roses are red

“attempting at” is finest kinja; and I was worried immanence might not be in your wheelhouse, old boy, which is no big deal, but I went for it tryina elevate the level of our discourse.

Yours in communism, thh.

You must hate your grandma and her social security. I hope you opt out also. Wouldn't want to be the thing you detest so much.

Ha! That’s what every team says. You forgot pointing out some other school who is more successful despite being what you consider below your class (“If galldarn Baylor can be a title contender, then Jaaar-juh sure as heck can be!”).

Georgia is going to end up like Tennessee, Nebraska, and Miami. They will fall in obscurity and will replace coach after coach until they finally will get the right one and which it will be too late. Another Tennessee for the conference. Well done Georgia.

As a UGA alum, I feel like I just broke up with a girlfriend who was wholesome and amazing but couldn’t clinch a SEC title. I am not good at metaphors.

He’s just paraphrasing what he read in Ben Carson’s autobiography.

Wait, wait...Patriots fans think ESPN has an anti-Patriots bias???

This just in: someone likes something i don’t. To the internet!

Peeping Tom doesn’t appear anywhere in the statute - so it’s just the nickname for the charge.

That is truly ridiculous.

“I’m Peyton Manning and I have a mouth-operated wheelchair.” “And I’m Peyton Manning who stopped playing football two seasons earlier.”

Manning: My foot’s really been bothering me doc. I think it’s really affecting my play lately.

That’s great except for the “just got out of rehab” part and the “getting ready to piss away his NFL career” part.

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