I am glad that Winston is bringing more attention to the documentary by pubicly bringing this lawsuit.
I am glad that Winston is bringing more attention to the documentary by pubicly bringing this lawsuit.
“We object to this documentary as a presentation of the facts makes our client look like a rapey douchebag.”
See, I think it kinda bit him on the shoulder (0.26) when he was asking for a neck wound with that hug BS. Then, I believe it got a hold of his arm (0.28) and they cut the recording due to his fighting to keep his arm.
Sometimes what doesnt kill you probably should have just killed you.
I know the internet attracts stupid people, but are there enough of them to keep comment a sections going?
Watch me whip, watch me meme
Absolutely right on both points. That was some high-octane shade she just threw, and this dipshit deserved all of it.
Just out of curiosity. What is your argument against properly screened and vetted refugees?
All dads are familiar with dabbing. It’s when your kid spills some shit on the carpet, you poke at it for a bit ineffectually to try and soak it up, and then yell for your spouse to come clean it.
I’m trying like hell to get my two year old to say “ice cold” when I ask her what’s cooler than cool. My wife thinks I’m an idiot
“Also, the kids do the “twerking” now, which is where one takes the rumpus and shakes it, as one might say, like a Polaroid picture! Oh, what will these scamps think of next?”
No one’s at fault, though. It was inci-dental contact.
I’m...I’m kidding. I’ve never even talked to a woman.
Crime Fighting and the NFL: Can You Believe I Get Paid for This Shit?
Nope, just you.
Yeah, I'm a Bears fan who truly dislikes the packers, but I've never been able to dislike Rodgers. Classy guy.
Who let Curt Schilling into the game, anyway?
You can tell for a beat that Rodgers is thinking about it, knows that he is going to get bullshit for it, and then just says “fuck it, this is too important” and then says it anyway.
He has always come across as an intelligent, thoughtful guy. This confirms what I have always thought about him.