
No LEGO studs*

The military is not interested in economic concerns; we don't care if they wreck their economy. We only care if they can, and might, attack us. We don't care why, or what the rationalization is. We only care about the how, and the when. There are other people to worry about the why.

For a nation that is so against his philosophy of the joy in life being the ending, not the trip, we sure as fuck do buy a lot of Corollas.

Content: Threeve

As far as the military is concerned? Absolutely yes. We see who is most likely to be a) able and b) willing to engage us in actual warfare, and then we call them our adversary.

What kind of meat is human meat?

No Yamaha 3.0L SHO?

Well fuck me running... never seen that before. Why wouldn't there just be one set of throttles in the middle?

The lead picture is reversed; I find it very unlikely that the copilot has the throttle controls. Also, the text on the center console MFCDU is backwards.

"Saw it in a video game"

I have Cox. It would seem I don't use as much as I think I do... I always thought I was cutting it close. Took me five minutes to find this meter!

Breaking News: NASCAR Just Stopped Using Carburetors

Maryland Staties. Their cars look like a striped turd.

I... would not allow other people to see these pictures. Bravo for fessing up!

I love you Jalopnik, but no Gawker site has the right to criticize other sites for editing. None whatsoever.


Well, all the same, it counts - the article is titled "best odd-cylindered engines of all time", and this definitely has five cylinders!

Yeah, it's a rotary engine - somebody else replied to me - but you have to admit, it's pretty much impossible to tell when they're not moving.

I have for you a terrible, not good, picture of an I-don't-know-what from the turn of the century that I took at the Reno automobile museum.

I am an avionics tech on E-2s working on a flight deck, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that that is still a problem, though not enough to cause RF burns. There are some spots on the flight deck where nothing in the E-2 that receives RF works right. GPS, JTIDS, HF (UHF usually works fine), SATCOM... it just