
I'm pretty certain (read: really certain) that there is nothing nuclear about an Arleigh-Burke class destroyer. It is propelled by gas turbine engines using regular-ol' petroleum products, and carries no nuclear armaments. The only possible link to anything nuclear might be that the Tomahawk missiles it carries used

I've had the unfortunate pleasure of firing a .50 caliber machine gun (M2HB) with no hearing protection.

And this is why the Saints are despicable human beings.

A 767 with no cargo, no passengers and little fuel takes waaaaaaaaaaaaay less than 8,900 feet to take off. The 8,900 foot requirement is for max rated weight and enough runway to abort at V1 if need be. The plane in question looked like it shot off at about 3,500 feet, which sounds about right. This was not a real

You could always believe it's God's Will, but that's the easy way out. There is a reason.

Every rental contract I've ever had pretty clearly states that if you drop off the keys after business hours and nobody is physically there to process the car, then you are still legally and financially responsible for it until the business opens the next day and somebody processes all the overnight cars. All of them.

Maybe they could build a quantum computer to come up with better code names. They could code name it Project Quantum Computer To Come Up With Better Code Names.

He really took himself into a dark place.

You know what happens if my E-2s hit a bird/birds? We pound the dents back out of the fuselage.

There is no reason you can't have your daughter help out working on the car as well. Let's not succumb to gender norms here, people.

Pittsburgh. It is as unprepared for snow as it is for the zombie apocalypse.

Bombs' acoustic shockwaves have been blowing off limbs for decades, if not centuries. I think we've understood their potential power for a while now.

It would have been a profound observation he had had, had he had it earlier.

Dicks-count Doublecheck

That was my grouping on "little Bob" with a Ruger .22 at 7 yards. I can shoot! Just not hand cannons.

Back when I operated an LPWS mount in Baghdad (see my avatar), every time its radar locked onto a helicopter it would drop flares, and set off a very loud alarm in the cockpit, which would scare the crap out of/annoy very much the pilots. I got to see this fairly often.

The wing looks to be tucked entirely inside the shock cone produced by the nose, which will help an enormous amount with efficiency at high speeds, as well as reducing the felt sonic boom by quite a bit, but that wing is going to be garbage at anything under 600 knots. Hopefully there is a ton of active aero a la

I had the pleasure of firing a Deagle once. I say pleasure, but it was pretty pants-shittingly terrifying. Here is a picture of the target of said shoot, from (I think) 7 yards:

Actually, it's the third. The first tenet is, "Always treat every weapon as if it were loaded." Because occasionally it is. The second is, "Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard until you are ready to fire," and the fourth is, "Keep your weapon on safe at all times until ready to fire."

Cue Top Gear test in 3... 2...