
This is not the first time Ford has experimented with using aluminum in large quantities for a vehicle. (Link is a PDF I've had for a while talking about the AIV sable. Most of us SHO enthusiasts are at least vaguely aware of it.)

That wasn't a crash.


I got a book about F-14 Tomcats ("Tomcat Alley") signed by all of the last pilots of the plane on my 05-06 cruise on the USS Theodore Roosevelt. With a handwritten foreword by the strike group Admiral, who played as a Tomcat pilot on Top Gun!

Fat guy almost touchdown, c. 2010

He retired because he got scared.

Everybody in this thread complaining about how we don't need missiles and will never need missiles reminds me of everybody in the 50s saying we don't need guns on aircraft, and will never need guns on aircraft.

Those two would be the exceptions I mentioned.

Airliners can't go supersonic because they don't have afterburners.

Most registered guns.

There are days when I have absolutely no recollection whatsoever of having actually driven to work.

No, really.

Saying he wishes to live forever is the surest sign of a man who hasn't lived long enough to realize how terrible an idea that is...

What's old is new again. (That's a Nokia 8110, c. 1996)

The wedding went well until the reception, where Brandi kept getting drunk and running around ripping her shirt off.

We are at war with Eastasia.

Basically what the comments to this article show is that knowledge is inversely proportional to fear.

And this is why they call them phobias - they aren't rational.

Interestingly, spying on its own citizens doesn't seem to be a part of the government that was shut down. Typical.

Franziskaner's good (I find that it tastes a little too much like bananas, but otherwise really good), and if you like that, I think you will also like Konig Ludwig Weissbier. It is very similar in taste to the Franzer but I think it's a bit more mellow.