
Didn’t jets do this in the early 50s? I’m fairly confident this isn’t exactly new technology...

Gronkowski confirmed

This whole article is bullshit. I busted out a 12.78 with a stock-including-stock-tires manual transmission 2012 Mustang GT, and I did so as a complete fucking n00b drag racer whose only other runs ever were in an automatic ‘94 Taurus SHO (low 16s, high 15s, in case you were wondering).

Huh, I wonder if this’ll turn out to be the next Bugatti Veyron / Pelican incident.

Ehh, it gets complicated. Top Secret isn’t actually really all that close to the top. Above Top Secret, you have SCI - Sensitive Compartmented Information. These are individual programs, some with codewords, some without, but you have to be “read into” each one of them.

I am telling you that that is exactly the case. FBI, CIA, DHS, NSA, DOD (which includes USA, USN, USAF, USMC), ATF, a whole score of other 3-letter acronyms, along with countless industry contractors all have to send their clearance investigations through the same three adjudicators. In my opinion, the inability to

OK so I can’t tell you for sure if the WH does clearances differently than the rest of the government - I know they have some special codeword accesses to deal with - but AFAIK they get their clearances through an SF-86 just like everybody else. Once the clearance is submitted through e-QIP it goes to OPM where it

Trauma like that to the tail rotor causes enormous shock waves to go up the tail rotor shaft, through the main gearbox, and into the engine(s), as well as up into the main rotor head and rotors. They are all directly connected. There will likely be stress cracks throughout the entirety of the system, and even if it

We need to bring back those piston-indicator lights, that sounds amazing.

At that particular point in time my entire life consisted of sitting in an empty box for 8 hours a day and surfing the internet, then sitting in another empty box for 8 hours and surfing the internet, then sleeping. I had a LOT of time on my hands...

Without saying too much, our carriers are not defenseless against torpedoes. We have passive and active countermeasures.

Now if somebody could come across Zoombinis source code...

Nah, dirty bombs are similar to your old-fashioned nuclear bombs in that they have fissile material (nuke stuff) surrounded by high explosives... but the difference is that whereas the real nuke uses the high explosives to squeeze the nuke stuff into a small enough space that it goes KABOOM, the dirty bomb uses the

I happen to have it on somewhat good authority that there are techniques, tactics, equipment and materials the US has to counter most of these threats that... shall we say, aren’t discussed publicly. Just know that US battlegroups aren’t quite as vulnerable as some of these articles would make it seem....

Using cars to understand the world of women... I mean I guess it works

Stuffing 12V into a 6V starter is not necessarily bad for it, but Wattage, which is a function of current times voltage, is a measurement of generated heat, as I’m sure you know.

Yeah, that’s not really how Ohm’s Law works, though. The formula is E=IR (or I=(E/R) or R=(E/I)). Using I=(E/R), or current equaling voltage divided by resistance, and assuming the total resistance (impedance actually, since we’re talking about an inductive motor, but it’s kind of semantic for this discussion) remains

I wondered this myself for a while, but what logically makes the most sense is that it is an accurate, verifiable method of determining exactly what safety system activates at what time. Given that the world of crash testing is super, super, super, super, super (super) serious, I’m willing to bet they measure out the

Ugh, this video is so full of technical inaccuracies it hurts. :(

Well I know where RB get their inspiration for that nose from...