
Like I've always said, if your dick's so dirty you have to wash your hands after touching it, you've got bigger troubles than a dirty dick.

The 2011+ Mustang GT has this as well. Ford went one up on GM, though, and the PCM doesn't even check to see if the solenoid is functioning. Literally all you have to do to disable skip-shift is unplug it. It's that easy.

Things like the B-2 are why we only fight against low-level enemies. Were we to fight a technologically matched enemy, our casualties would be orders of magnitude higher.

I'm gonna go ahead and call it as a microburst. Check back in a month to see if I was right.

Fair dinkum, mate.

You realize that you get "nuclear radiation" just from going outside, and that would be the case even if we'd never developed nuclear fission? The sun is a giant nuclear reactor, and we are constantly bathed in its byproducts. One small one of which is light.

May I present to you... the United States Boat Cole!

The further insult to injury will come when the owner of said car gets the bill for the Armco barriers he destroyed.

Source A: A clearly belt-fed Maxim Machine gun.

I'm pretty sure a machine gun is a weapon that fires ammunition from a belt or link system, allowing the gun to be fired continuously without reloading.

The D-21 Tagboard would respectfully disagree with the claim that this thing is the first supersonic UAV.

He's just saying that so the KG... er, NSA will stop pointing guns at his childrens' heads.

Now I feel justified in having randomly inserted the words "al qaeda", "bomb", and "terrorist" into literally every single phone call I've ever made in the past two years, including calls to my wife telling her I'm picking up bread on the way home ("getting some al qaeda bomb terrorist bread, honey!").

My shaver. Norelco somethingorother. I charge it maybe once every other month, and i use the fucker every day.

No, the idea of an aircraft powered by a fuel that can dissolve the pilot and manufactured by slave labor (Jews and the French) that often attempted to sabotage the construction of said planes by puncturing the barrier between the pilot and said pilot-melting fuel was a bad idea.

These features will really help me out the next time I'm deployed in the Persian Gulf for nine months:

Timba, his eyes closed.

What they don't tell you is that the cruise ships have to execute a 90° turn 35 feet from the dock at 15 knots in order to port there.

I'll give you a hint: people who think that's serious don't have a sense of humor. It happens to everyone.