
Two things - a) no it is not, and b) you're pretty much just delusional.

Well... uh... I guess that's uh... one way to do it.

Dude, try the exact opposite. Imagine the story.

Hey, I just made you

As a guy that fixes airplanes for the Navy, I can tell you that a) this is a very common practice, if not exactly as visible as this specific example, and b) that is actually a pretty good temporary repair job - it has been well radiused and chamfered, and appropriate corrosion control measures appear to have been

Yes, the ignorant tend to congregate in groups. This plane is perfectly safe to fly, and is still thousands of times more safe to travel in than your car.


"(You know what a full press does.)"

Looks like Curiosity picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.

Naw man, those were totally cancelled.

It's no worse than the pointless and unnecessary biological junk your body is littering this planet with.

I literally cry every time I read this comic. Every time. I'm such a nerd.

When pressed for a comment, the US Womens' Soccer Team responded with, "LOOK AT ALL THE FUCKS I DON'T GIVE!"

Almost more than they love whips. Kinky bastards.

Now this, I can believe. Sadly.

Do not deign to compare cubicle farm workers to military aviation ground crew. We are nothing alike.

That's a bullshit answer, and a really insulting one as well; I am ground crew - I'm an avionics tech - and we don't let fuck all interrupt our work. I've seen people bleeding profusely, but still intent on getting the job done. Us aircraft mechanics are a fiercely proud bunch; we are so because we know that peoples'

Sometimes more than others.

So how does that explain the almost identical symptoms exhibited by the ground maintenance crews of that aircraft? They don't wear pressure vests. The highest they will go is about 20 feet off the ground.

I'm not happy unless at least one person a day with a stick up his/her ass calls me a fucking asshole!