
And do away with the designated hitter rule while you’re at it.

To be fair, there are a lot of reasons why it is a shithole, Piazza was kind enough just to mention one.

Should be pretty obvious.

“And it’s one thing to think a kimono is hip, it’s another to dress up and situate yourself in a culture that is not your own. “

I always thought the “D” in “D-League” stood for “Developmental.” I didn’t realize it was actually for “Destitute.” My bad.

I don’t know.

Is that some kind of joke?

To be clear, I’m not blaming her family. I can’t imagine how upset they must be, but I’ve known too many people who’ve been seriously injured on those things. They’re just not worth whatever fun you might have on them.

Do not allow your children to drive ATVs! They are so dangerous that actually no one should be driving them.

As a Bernie supporter that was realistic enough to vote for Hillary “just in case” (even though I live in California and there was basically no way it would matter here): yeah, keep pushing the DNC line about how Bernie and Stein supporters fucked all of us. They were definitely the *real* problem. /s

Contemporary sociologists trace the origin of the phrase “alternate facts” back to the 2015, the year that the Super Bowl champion Carolina Panthers became the first team in NFL history to go undefeated.

Weather: cold

there is a big offer from China


Like the F-35?

They also don’t have a military. Just a really well armed “defense force” presumably to protect themselves from all those Godzilla attacks.

Heady play. Just a smart, heady play. Great basketball IQ on this kid. Really terrific.

If there are people worried about that then they aren’t enthusiastic.