
Fuck Grayson Allen and all, but that was a legitimately impressive dunk; he obliterated that basketball ring.

This is so tiresome.

In fairness to Boomer and Carton, Manish Mehta sucks.

Mainly because Mehta is an absolutely terrible troll of a journalist. He is by far the worst sports reporter I have read in the Daily News.

He really lost his shirt on that play.

Its actually quite simple.

You know the year that Texas instituted those abortion clinic regulations that forced them to close? That same year the maternal mortality rate in Texas doubled. But i guess it’s better than dead embryos. Women should be punished for sex, if not with their lives then their entire life.

Absolutely. The n-word has a lot more weight and prejudice behind it than pussy does, but it is the same kind of misplaced outrage. It is the ULTIMATE in hypocrisy to defend someone who speaks this way and then to be offended at the person who calls them out on it. Sometimes you have to quote someone IN FULL so

+1 for “program looking like a children’s mannequin from 1993"

Brazil is an irradiated wasteland. Within it lies a city. Outside the boundary walls, a desert. A cursed earth. Inside the walls, a cursed city, stretching from Rio de Janeiro to Salvador. An unbroken concrete landscape. 2.7 billion people living in the ruin of the old world and the grande structures of the new one.

The older I get the more I’m convinced that “everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” is the truest and most perfect philosophical statement ever uttered.

That Otani is doing this shit when the game is very much matured is what makes him particularly amazing. Of course Babe is a legend, but 2016 NPB is a million miles tougher than 1919 AL.

I beg to differ, laddie. You don’t just throw up your hands say, oh well, here take the nation and do what you wish. We must demand five things.

I wasn’t even talking about that. I was talking about the 6.8 million fewer people that voted for democrats in this election than in 2012. If even half the people who voted for Obama but stayed home this time came out, it wouldn’t even have been close.

Am I the only one that thinks this panel while a bit too loose is the best sports show on television? Like by far? Sometimes they can be a bit much but the way that whole tv crew works with quick graphics and free flowing convo, it IS the best right? Right?!

Tim Duncan is a giant nerd. Vin Diesel is more regular size.

12s? Ugh, I haven’t been this angry at something since....Tuesday....

You have a problem if your hearing a little voice egging you on while drinking