
It's made by the same studio that made R&C!

All the other reviews I've read had no problems with the game's humor or art style.

Guys this review says go buy and play it, joystiq 5/5, ign 9/10 - these are not bad reviews

uh... pant leg.

Keep in mind the theory behind a formal place setting - you use the utensils from outside to in. In other words, if your first two courses are soup and salad, the soup spoon and salad fork are the outside utensils. If you don't have a particular course, you don't set that utensil (e.g. if you have cake but not

Paper towel. Living single for ten years.

I know right, they banned you from their events yet you still have your entire first page flooded with Apple articles. It is kind of ridiculous how obsessed you guys are.

You guys should keep posting your individual results in response to the large dataset used here. Good job on that.

This is good. Thank you.

Apple just updated the price. It is $59.99 now. Guess it was an error.

This must be a mistake. Desktop iTunes shows the price at $10, but on my iPhone it appears as $59.99. I just tried buying the bundle on my desktop, and it says "changes are being made to this item, please try again later."

The thing about "privacy" online is that it covers a range of people who may be interested in your data, and for different purposes.

netflix owes me about 2 dollars back for each month i haven't been getting a fullscreen... or gizmodo owes me money for ruining my netflix experience I thought was just fine until now.