
Weirdly, Assassin’s Creed games. I’m a huge history buff, and I like open-world RPGs.

I think what the author meant was that in the overworld, if you’re doing something (quest, farming resources, gliding to a treasure chest you saw, etc.) but stop to chase a Seelie, it can distract you and take you off the path of whatever you were doing before.

It’s definitely a luxury item, so cost-to-benefit is skewed.

It’s definitely a luxury item, so cost-to-benefit is skewed.

Is there... some other metric... for a video platform... to care about?

If they drop the non-skippable cutscenes or shorten CM/Prae significantly, I’m guessing they’d also reduce the amount of EXP you get from them (since they buffed it to compensate for the time investment).

Agreed 100%.

I have an extra one from when I got the ACNH version. Transferred over from my Day 1 Switch, but my partner isn’t really into it. Just sitting in a box for now.

(He might use it to play Octopath whenever he gets to that part of his backlog)

Hard pass until Rise and Fall is patched in.

Across the whole company, we have some senior people who work very hard purely because they’re passionate about a project, or their particular work, and we believe that passion shows in the games we release. But that additional effort is a choice, and we don’t ask or expect anyone to work anything like this.

I appreciated Dragon Age: Inquisition for this reason. Even though it was a huge game (with multiple DLCs), it inevitably had an ending.

When I pick my classes, I am often paralyzed by choice. To break the log jam, I ask myself:

Bought The Witness in a Steam sale, but never played it.

I’m pretty bad at shooters and most adventure games: Destiny/Titanfall were miserable experiences, and Assassin's Creed stressed me out too much to pick up often. In other words… I’m not a great gamer.

I think MistaButters just schooled you.

Um. Good. Then you can stop rambling like a crazy person, and the discussion section will be down one troll.

The home button is disabled, but still takes the three-press signal.

Sadly, yes. You can turn on background update based on location in Settings so that when you move around to different locations, it will trigger a background sync. This is a trick developers have worked out for iOS 6 to get a few extra syncs between app launches.

You are obviously a troll who didn’t read my response at all. I literally said “there is no de facto IM app.” No app is most-used.

I switch apps on my phone that I am getting comfortable with for different things. For example, I switched from Reeder for iOS and Pocket to Feedly for a while... and then to Digg Reader... and now I am back on Reeder and Pocket. I am much less of a hoarder than I was before, and I prune my feeds every time I jump.

Ha, nice find!