
“I still think you’re a good player.”

You kinda come off like a slow tool

Ahhh, the old “I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about so I’ll refer to some bullshit I read one time and never researched” argument, the one used to justify an attempt at a jab at a property greater than anything the OP has ever (or will ever) accomplish.


Joule thief!

Fox is finally covering the opioid epidemic. 

Straight guys: Why is this a big deal?

Unintentional homophobia is still homophobia

Just a quick reminder to everyone who was going around saying that the story had to play out the way it did because of reasons:

Now playing

Oh, The Green Book won best picture, did it?

“Same as relationships. You’re only around as long as the other person tolerates you. Then, that’s that.”

:( ok you need a hug

It sucks, but it seems they’re doing it with some amount of heart?

I wonder how the Eden Prairie, MN office is faring... They mostly handled QA for licensed games but also helped with bigger titles sometimes. I worked there several years ago and they had a bunch of great people. 

Man, this past weekend must have been hell for people working at Activision, knowing that you might be sacked in a few days. What an awful situation, especially since if this was Nintendo, the upper management would have taken a pay cut instead.

It’s obviously a part of the hidden lore we’ve yet to find out about.

Second, official Disney voice actors voice 56.7% of the Disney characters in Kingdom Hearts III.

It was weirdly noticeable they didn’t get Danny DeVito (or a DeVito-alike) to voice Phil. He literally never shuts up and he was bone silent in Herc’s missions

I donno... If the next God of War or Halo games forces the player into a gay marriage, I’m willing to bet there would be a lot less respect.

EA is the world’s most expensive game concept art studio.

I am one of last sad saps who also subscribes to DVD