
Well, we know it’ll cost less than $1,500.00… and we can assume that it won’t cost dramatically less than that (or they wouldn’t have given such a high price ceiling)… so probably more expensive than said $600.00 phone, but less than $1,500.00. I went with a rhetorical $1,000.

I don’t think a lot of carpenters spend most of their time up ladders, unless they have carved out a niche for two-story chifforobes. And construction workers seem to wear tool belts to get around your use-case more than aprons (especially since you have to move, climb, kneel, lay down so frequently as a construction

While pulling out your ($600) phone may make you a target of mugging, your ($1000+) Google Glasses are a good indicator that you also have a smartphone in your pocket… so… maybe not.

That‘s a good point! And even one of the most famous incomplete cathedrals to get finished as a result of newly discovered technology—the Florentine Cathedral and the Duomo—went 140 years from start to finish.

Let me guess: you’re white, male, probably girlfriend-less, unemployed, live with your parents, and are slightly overweight? Even if I’m not 100% correct, I’m confident at least two or three of these are true.

So does your spelling. And punctuation. And if you have enough time to post comments like this in the middle of the day, you’re probably not employed?

Since it’s an apron for gentlemen, someone with a negative Nancy attitude like yours has no reason to wear one...

You are a sad, bitter person. Looking like an impoverished, unemployed slob doesn’t validate your lifestyle any more or less than a leather apron does to a well-to-do handyman.

They way the month-view stitches together multiple months (greyed out) with the month’s name on top... I think they ripped that from Things for iOS? http://culturedcode.com/things/iphone/

Did you even read the post? The point wasn't that a Droid with a super-high PPI is stupid. It's any obnoxiously high PPI. If Apple came out with a 400+ PPI iPhone, this post would still apply leaving both Fanboi and Fandroid egos intact.

You're an idiot. Any month they upgrade the connector will be in the middle of *some* cycle. Since iPad is usually updated in March and iPod/iPhone in September/October... it'll always be in the middle of some cycle.

But is it registering the Like on your profile? Anonymously increasing a page's link count and having it automatically like that page in your name (and putting that like on your profile) are very different things.

Three Apple TVs for the same price and similar function. Unfortunately, Apple's ecosystem can be more expensive to live in most of the time... this being a notable exception.

What do you do with all the extra that you carve off? Seems like a waste...

I got one right after they came out, and I love it. Switched from a Time Capsule, and I love it. Caution: if you are used to having a lot of ethernet ports, this one only has one (one more than the previous generation, sure). I haven't noticed lag when playing online games with multiple people in the apartment, but

Moving parts increase thickness (that's what she said). It's for this reason that Apple computers no longer include removeable batteries… the mechanisms to make something removeable or rotatable equal higher build-costs and increased thickness/weight without much payoff… especially with the company moving toward

My Jar Jar make-out fantasy just became real.

I bet you $10.00 that she was texting (on her iPhone) and not watching where she was going.