
Looks like it could be a really cool way for interior designers to showcase their work... and pitch new ideas (color schemes, prints, textures) to prospective clients... they can show them 3d mock-ups of their ideas instead of colored pencil sketches.

Note: about 1/3 of the video was taken up by credits (beginning and end).

I live in a city - for me the more retro question is "When was the last time you drove?"

This is even better than the BP 'shopping job from the oil spill command center.

It's cool, but (like animated backgrounds on Android), I feel like it would have an effect on battery life.

I'd hope that any such phone would work better than the iOS app. That hardware mock-up is beautiful, though; I'd definitely carry that proudly.

Surely someone with such a beautiful set-up as this can afford a quality mouse pad :P

The title might have been better as "Learn the Techniques of Design." Design itself is something you feel, more than learn.

More disturbing than the spectators is the fact that the inclined roofs in the background are most likely houses. So question: why are they rolling toxic waste through residential areas?

I don't think this business model is going to work - the New York Times website doesn't have high traffic yields because their articles are better... they have such high traffic because they have the best free articles on line.

The dark shirt in the lower-right hand corner is the Gap Logo anti-change campaign.